SHY - Vol. 4 Ch. 30 - I Lie Here Coughing, Not Alone

Dec 31, 2019
Every time things start looking up for Teru, you just know fate is laughing in the shadows.
Active member
Apr 28, 2018
While the episode was basically a set-up for dead sister arc, over all, I liked this "filler" type story. Sometimes, hero or not, a kid has to be a kid.

And am I the only one that thinks Teru is cuter in civilian clothes than in her Shy personae
Mar 15, 2018
Awww bless her - having to shoulder the responsibility of being a hero, and finally being given the opportunity to just be a regular girl.
Feb 3, 2018
I kinda really want them to get together, but it's probably not gonna happen in this kinda manga

@swiggy1957 Nah, I also find Teru cuter when she's in normal clothes
Active member
May 14, 2018
Yes, brothers and sisters. Time to ship the good ship.

Now, seriously, I would love it so much if the author doesn't go for the obvious, boring choice of making the sister a villain, especially after we got this same set up with Spirits. Just let her be a good memory for Teru or something.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Honestly, I don't think going down a yuri route would be a good idea.

I think it would be better and healthier if these two remained just as close friends, as I think that their relationship would be better without romance, and if the bonds between them were connected by it. Not all love is romantic, as they say, and I think it's more thematically relevant to show the different types of connections people have beyond simply familial and romantic in this series and to see how they influence one another.

Teru having a close friendship with another girl were she can just learn to rely on one another I think would be more impactful than immediately turning this into a romance story, which I don't really think is needed here. You have to learn how to stand on your own two feet before you enter a relationship, and I don't think Teru is ready for that.

Also, keep in mind that the reason she trusts her so much is because she reminds her of her sister, and that she's dependable and gives her a shoulder she can lean on. I don't think we're supposed to get the impression that their relationship is meant to be romance-based.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 17, 2018
@Tamerlane The relationship between Teru and Koishikawa feels a lot like the kind of close female relationships you'd see out of other mahou shoujo works (which as a genre I feel this series draws more obvious inspiration from than battle shounen) so I don't think anyone who sees romantic overtones in the writing of it is off the mark. Especially the whole bit after the training with Stardust where Teru tearfully declares she'll never make Koishikawa cry again. Whether it just remains in the Romantic Two Girl Friendship mold or goes explicitly yuri, who knows?
Group Leader
Feb 19, 2018
This chapter giving big GAY vibes

I like it

Also dead older sister's chekhov's gun.
Her death will be definitely relevant in the future.
Sep 2, 2019
after reading this chapter:
Happy feels = Yuri Feels
Double Fuck
Better Prepare tissues for the next few main Villains
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
You don't need a straight front romance to create subtext yuri these days.

That's already fact.

Also author does create Yuri Doujin so I am pretty sure that's where she base her works except the tone lean into shounen with no romance required but is hinted in future.
Romance are never necessary part in shounen but is quite a vital thing in ending depends how it made. (Look no further than Bleach, Naruto both doesn't have romance but still have that kind of ending, One Piece is similar but never the topic never brought up to the main story).

tl;dr , Their relationship might play very important role much later. Despite being Yuri, Subtext or not never think Romance in battle hounen as irrelevant.

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