Sincerely: I Became a Duke's Maid - Vol. 1 Ch. 28

Jun 23, 2019
Ibelina treated Alejandro like her own little brother. Hell, her taking care of him is similar to that of a mother and son. So it’s no surprise that she doesn’t realize his true feelings for her. I mean if the genders are reversed and an 18-year-old man is falling in love with a 13-year-old girl, that’d look creepy, right?

Alejandro needs to open up his heart to other people more, and it’s tough to see him control Ibelina’s social life. If he continues this way, history will only repeats itself and everything that Ibelina did for him will be all for naught.
Jul 24, 2018
@Nicolausx09 their age gap is not that much, it's only 4 year gap. Alejandro is 14, Ibelina is 18. It seems wrong because the romance starts at early young age. If they're starting to have romantic relationship at age 20 or 22 that deemed as okay, right?

Same thing also applied when the gender role reversed. Anything that starts prematurely will only seem as wrong. Let their mental age mature first then everything will follow accordingly.
Jun 28, 2018
Thanks for the translation. This is hands down the manga I look forward to the most. More pwetty pwease.
Double-page supporter
Aug 13, 2019
An 18 year old and a 14 year old.... man this feels gross. Author should've time skipped to when he's like 18. Having all these romance-y moments when he's basically a kid is creeping me out. A tall kid is still a kid.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 9, 2019
It's funny how 70+ years ago a 5-year age difference was considered normal, you'd meet & get to know the person you were betrothed to at a younger age and then once they reached "full maturity", they'd get married.

At the same time, it's funny that people don't notice that Romeo was 17 and Juliet a bare 12. 😂 [Her mother wanted her father to wait until she was 14 before she was married off. If course, the life expectancy was 35–40 in those days, but still.]

No, it's not a "preference" or me justifying anything. More, I just find the matter amusing. It's funny how perception changes when little gets addressed to the core issue of "What does consent look like?" For me, that should be the prime concern. The younger one has feelings & is pursuing the older one whom is oblivious because they see them (rightfully) "as a kid." People are frustrated, and yet the MC isn't acting romantically towards the ML. Instead, she's redirecting him.

We assume they will end up together, but we don't know the ending, and even if we did, sibling as she's respectful and doesn't engage, then it's reasonably harmless. Furthermore, if he wanted to, Alejandro holds considerably more power over Ibelina. If he were a prince, then I'd say that she'd by this point almost hold no ability to have a consensual relationship due to the unequal power dynamics and pressure Alejandro could exact on her. She could get raped & have no recourse. Those dynamics are in some ways equally as important as the topic of mental age.
Aggregator gang
Jun 27, 2019
I feel like I may give up on this manhwa...
Ale's jealousy gets too much at times, Ibe's kindness seems hopelessly Mary Sue to me.
Even is Ale looks extremely good, I cant help thinking that this is extremely odd for a 14 year old to go through his growth spurt to such a odd extent. Also, being that much taller than Ibe, and everything feels so weird.
Jun 23, 2019
@Kagamimocchi thank you for the correction! It’s exactly as you said. There’s nothing wrong with taking it slow.

The abnormally fast growth spurt of Alejandro These past few chapters seems like a way for the author to justify the advancements that Alejandro does to Ibelina, when in fact he’s still just a kid going thru puberty. There’s no need to rush their relationship when they’re still both maturing.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Oh, so she's actually aware of his overdependence on her and wants him to grow out of it.

...Good. That's an important next step in his recovery. Granted, it's understandable and won't be easy, but it's definitely not healthy to keep letting him indulge in singlemindedly sticking to her.

Baby steps.
Double-page supporter
Dec 29, 2018
Ah yes, puberty... quite the time, especially for Alejandro, seeing his situation. Iberina is denser than bricks sometimes, though, so that doesn’t help
Oct 20, 2019
Firstly, thank you for update ~^^
Secondly, according to this and 26th chapter they have 4 years age gap between them. Hmm... It can be in modetn times but could it be in old times? I mean a woman with younger man and she is a maid while he is master and related to royal family...
Btw let's not think this like he will be 14 forever. She is still see her as a child. Romance will only develop later, so then it will be OK right?
Active member
Dec 18, 2018
For those of you who worried about the parents and them sending Ibee away, that won't happen. According to the raws:
his dad dies during a landslide while he was off with a mistress and Alejandro sends his mom away when she starts to lose it after the dad's death. The ones to really worry about are the servants because the head butler tattles to Ibee's boss, the head maid, and she gives Ibee a firm warning to stay away it else. Unfortunately, because Alejandro can't seem to stay away it seems like Ibee will still get sent away because the head maid keeps catching them together.

Also guys, I think everyone is forgetting something. Ibee thinks Alejandro will eventually meet with the Eleona and fall in love with her. She's like most of the other girls who reincarnated into books. She still thinks things will happen according to the novel's plot, even if she's changed it by curing him early, hence she doesn't see Alejandro's puppy love because it's not a part of the novel since he was suppose to love Eleona. I still like Ibee's character even if her unattached worldly view is annoying sometimes.

Additionally, its coming up soon but
Alejandro will come face to face with either Diego or the King, can't remember which, when they stop by during the dad's funeral. So Alejandro will see one of them shortly. Not sure if much else happens besides the two talking to each other but at least they meet.
Mar 8, 2019
The four year age gap is the same that my parents have so it doesn't weird me out. I really just want him to get to adulthood so that she takes his feelings seriously and not just as puppy love.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 19, 2018
honestly it's not the gap age that bother me rather Alejandro actin like a stupid brat !
Sep 28, 2019
geez the age gap doesnt matter at all lol my parents have a 11 year age gap so i’m not really new to this😂😂😂 I’M so excited for older alejandro like when he’s 18 omggg i want them to get married lol
Jun 24, 2019
I was like him when I was a teenager, over possessive and jealous.
I don't know how my hubby tolerated me that we've 16 years now together.
But yeah, if I could go back in time I would slap myself lol
So I kinda understand the ML xD
Group Leader
Jan 23, 2018
Honestly she's right, and she would be even if they were openly dating. It's not healthy to only ever open up to one person. She does need to step back and let him experience life on his own.

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