I never noticed slow load times on anything until today, but the server switch was nineteen days ago according to the date on the announcement post.
Upon opening the website, all the little icons, like the ones that tell you you've already read a specific chapter, were replaced with that weird machine code symbol that looks like 4 symbols in a 2x2 formation that is the same size as the icons they represent.
Then, the page navigation settings is no longer in the sidebar but at the bottom of the screen, which did fix itself after about 20 seconds.
But, none of the images are preloading like they normally do, so every time I turn the page it takes a solid minute.
In addition to this, the forums page I'm typing all this on now is still loading, and the user avatars didn't load until I typed the word "Upon", rendered in bold for the sake of easy finding.
I realize this thread is for a different issue with slow load times, but I didn't want to make a redundant thread in the event that the issues are connected.