Site Update - 14th of November 2023 (Advanced Search rework)

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Nov 5, 2023
I think the most urgently needed option regarding the advanced search is giving us the possibility of remembering or past choices.

There is never going to be a situation were I want any manga that doesn't have chapters in the languages that I know. There is going to be almost no occasions were I want to search for a manga with the isekai tag, not do I care about doujinshis, etc. So having to choose all those options every time I am searching for new mangas is a chore.

Give us the option to save our preferences!
Agree with this. On mobile on the old version I would tend to select "latest upload" and then select tags. After selecting tags, it would go back to "best match" and I wouldn't notice for 15-20 seconds.

This would also solve the fact that doing tag selections of just a total chore now on the new version of mobile.

Another thing that would help mobile a lot actually, you already have it split into columns at the bottom for inclusion/exclusion mode at the bottom here, could we get the tags themselves aligned into columns as well? Would halve the scroll length.

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Dex-chan lover
May 15, 2019
The filters don't scroll on my phone.
I can't see the 'publication year' (I can see the title, not the filter itself) filter or any below it.
When I try to scroll, it just scrolls the webpage behind the filter popout panel (I can see the scrollbar moving and I can see the page has scrolled down after I close the filter popup).
Phone is an LG v30.
More generally, I think these changes are bad, but its your ship and if you mess it up enough, people will abandon it. Not like it hasn't happened before. Obviously I don't think we're near that point yet - it's more of a path than a destination anyway. And other updates have been fine, I think just this one is a miss.
Seems another case of "if it ain't broke, fix it till it is". Pretty common in tech.
Edit; please address the Content Rating defaulting to all checked. There is even functionality that says "Any" when they're all unchecked.
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Jun 1, 2018
Not a big fan of the tags drop down menu, but thanks for putting the and/or feature back on it so thats a plus I guess.

Now questions. I read on a galaxy tab 6 in chrome browser if it helps resolve some issues.

Is the glitchyness of that drop down tag menu here to stay? Sometimes it stays in place while hitting tags, but most of the time it bounces back to top after each selection. Very annoying.

Along with the above the damned keyboard comes and goes because of that "search tags" box it defaults putting a cursor in. Honestly not sure who would actually type out a tag as it's easier to look for it. We all know folks internet spelling is atrocious and auto correct can be the downfall of many. 🤣🤣 I would understand this feature if had numerous obscure tags like novel updates does, but ya don't. Guessing maybe ya did it for future as planning to have excess tags like novel updates. 🤔 Anyhow that box the cursor defaults to is source of keyboard annoyance.

Last one. Are y'all gonna make that whole search area collapsible again so I can get it outta the way. It collapsed previously and I really liked that it hid itself after I hit search. It was nice.

After thought after reading other responses in thread. I come here every few months, binge random new stuff & things in my lists. I don't pay attention to forums, discord, site announcements or whatever else. I just dont have it in me to care anymore to be "active in a community". I usually take all the changes in stride and deal with it as, but this one had me appear outta my hidey hole. Devs don't discount us read & leave users. There's many of us & generally wouldn't say anything. I just happened to have a little extra time this eve. 🤭🤭
Abolish Harems
Jun 4, 2019
The filters don't scroll on my phone.
I can't see the 'publication year' (I can see the title, not the filter itself) filter or any below it.
When I try to scroll, it just scrolls the webpage behind the filter popout panel (I can see the scrollbar moving and I can see the page has scrolled down after I close the filter popup).
Phone is an LG v30.
More generally, I think these changes are bad, but its your ship and if you mess it up enough, people will abandon it. Not like it hasn't happened before. Obviously I don't think we're near that point yet - it's more of a path than a destination anyway. And other updates have been fine, I think just this one is a miss.
Seems another case of "if it ain't broke, fix it till it is". Pretty common in tech.
Edit; please address the Content Rating defaulting to all checked. There is even functionality that says "Any" when they're all unchecked.
I will try to address the scrolling issues found on some phones. It is really hard to debug this because it's only happening on specific selected devices. Any phones I have, or staff have, and the people who have been testing this rework for 3 months did not report such a thing. And the content rating not having anything selected will be updated in the next release. Unsure why people are so fixated on this one specifically when it doesn't make any difference but it is what it is.

I accept criticism of all kinds, but the statement that the previous search was not broken is simply absurd. The fact that it even worked was surprising, and that's both from a UX and from a development perspective. In the end only people who got used to it could navigate through it with ease (and just the same, only those who created it could maintain it with ease). Pretty much everyone's first impression when looking at the old search was "what is this mess?".

To confirm myself I advised two designers whom I know are working in commercial design. While their recommendations varied, the predominant opinion was that it needed to be redone from scratch. Some people prefer drop-downs over big forms, other people the opposite. It's impossible to keep everyone happy.
Nov 14, 2023
The new tag menu feels so unfinished on mobile, it is harder to navigate since there's no clear distinction between filter "group" (like original language and chapter language, or artist and author) it's just a bunch of text and selection button, also chapter language and original language does not follow the filter in setting by default anymore, and for the artist and author selection it would be better to just leave it as a search box instead of selection box and search box inside of it so it doesn't take a few extra clicks to just do the same thing, and another thing though it is not really a problem but i feel the tag menu is so disconnected for the site since it takes up the entire screen on mobile i think it would be better if it's like a window or some sort.
Nov 16, 2023
The menus are borderline unusable on portrait mode Ipad, look at this garbage. It scrolls down and to the right, and the tags overlap further down. This menu is strictly a downgrade on mobile, and even on desktop it still takes many more clicks to complete each search since it’s all in several drop down menus.

EDIT: Landscape mode doesn’t help lmfao

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Abolish Harems
Jun 4, 2019
Not a big fan of the tags drop down menu, but thanks for putting the and/or feature back on it so thats a plus I guess.

Now questions. I read on a galaxy tab 6 in chrome browser if it helps resolve some issues.

Is the glitchyness of that drop down tag menu here to stay? Sometimes it stays in place while hitting tags, but most of the time it bounces back to top after each selection. Very annoying.

Along with the above the damned keyboard comes and goes because of that "search tags" box it defaults putting a cursor in. Honestly not sure who would actually type out a tag as it's easier to look for it. We all know folks internet spelling is atrocious and auto correct can be the downfall of many. 🤣🤣 I would understand this feature if had numerous obscure tags like novel updates does, but ya don't. Guessing maybe ya did it for future as planning to have excess tags like novel updates. 🤔 Anyhow that box the cursor defaults to is source of keyboard annoyance.

Last one. Are y'all gonna make that whole search area collapsible again so I can get it outta the way. It collapsed previously and I really liked that it hid itself after I hit search. It was nice.

After thought after reading other responses in thread. I come here every few months, binge random new stuff & things in my lists. I don't pay attention to forums, discord, site announcements or whatever else. I just dont have it in me to care anymore to be "active in a community". I usually take all the changes in stride and deal with it as, but this one had me appear outta my hidey hole. Devs don't discount us read & leave users. There's many of us & generally wouldn't say anything. I just happened to have a little extra time this eve. 🤭🤭
The glitchiness on android chrome is a chrome rendering issue. Perhaps the solution in the comments of this post in Reddit can help you resolve it for your device.

The keyboard will no longer appear on mobile devices (unless your browser uses a desktop user agent in which case it's the fault of the browser for mislabeling itself).

Making the search filters collapsible wasn't something I thought of, but would be a nice addition nonetheless. I've done the necessary work and on the next site update it will be there :).

Finally, the tags dropdown menu will be significally optimized. You can preview things we're working on on our canary version of the site where the input issue should be resolved, as well as the tag dropdown being slightly reworked to be more compact.
Abolish Harems
Jun 4, 2019
The new tag menu feels so unfinished on mobile, it is harder to navigate since there's no clear distinction between filter "group" (like original language and chapter language, or artist and author) it's just a bunch of text and selection button, also chapter language and original language does not follow the filter in setting by default anymore, and for the artist and author selection it would be better to just leave it as a search box instead of selection box and search box inside of it so it doesn't take a few extra clicks to just do the same thing, and another thing though it is not really a problem but i feel the tag menu is so disconnected for the site since it takes up the entire screen on mobile i think it would be better if it's like a window or some sort.
The tag menu will be optimized. After seeing the feedback on it, we've been working to make it more neat and compact. The chapter language and original language defaults will also be addressed in the next site update to respect your preferences. As for the author/artist search, I don't have an instant alternative solution, that would both be compact, show the current selection, and be easily clickable. I might figure out something later, but it will stay as it is for a while. I will advise on other websites' UI and get opinions on how to challenge this, but I can't guarantee it will change as there have been other people who said they were fine with how it is, so we'll see.
Abolish Harems
Jun 4, 2019
The menus are borderline unusable on portrait mode Ipad, look at this garbage. It scrolls down and to the right, and the tags overlap further down. This menu is strictly a downgrade on mobile, and even on desktop it still takes many more clicks to complete each search since it’s all in several drop down menus.

EDIT: Landscape mode doesn’t help lmfao

The window sizes and placement issues have been fixed and improved. They will be updated on the next site reelase. As for your third issue, I'm afraid that you'll need to get used to it. To not have dropdown menus for each filter category would entail another iteration of reworking the advanced search, and that's not happening in short due, I'm sorry.
Abolish Harems
Jun 4, 2019
This would also solve the fact that doing tag selections of just a total chore now on the new version of mobile.

Another thing that would help mobile a lot actually, you already have it split into columns at the bottom for inclusion/exclusion mode at the bottom here, could we get the tags themselves aligned into columns as well? Would halve the scroll length.
Indeed, after relevant feedback I've been working on optimizing it further, and made it more compact. You can preview it on, which is a beta-ish version of our site. If you want to provide more feedback on upcoming features that we present there, please join our discord server and head into the #frontend-early-access channel.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 24, 2018

When are we gonna get alphabetically sorted MDLists, or the ability to rename MDLists that have many manga already on them?

Logically, I'd expect that to be more important than an "I'm feeling lucky" button.
Abolish Harems
Jun 4, 2019

When are we gonna get alphabetically sorted MDLists, or the ability to rename MDLists that have many manga already on them?

Logically, I'd expect that to be more important than an "I'm feeling lucky" button.
Priority usually takes place when you've got things that take around the same time to implement.
The "I'm feeling lucky" button is quite trivial to implement, so it did not hinder other progress.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
Still no eta for the light theme for the forum?
It's getting really hard to read the posts with this dark theme..
Jul 12, 2020
2000+23 and still no prompt-based search for mango. What am I watching those ads for 🫃
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