Slave and Ojou sama manga ?

Sep 24, 2020
MC was slave, he was 12 years old boy, he have cute and femine face

His buyer was a sadist noble lady who love torturing her slave to death. In slave market, mc was waiting the day he got sent off, then mc see an ojou sama with black outfit age around 13-14 years old. The ojou sama was famous, even mc know her, she become the head of her noble family and lead it to sucess.

MC then beg her help, asking her to buy him and he promised he will do anything for her. The ojou sama was not impressed and then she give mc a riddle, if he answered correctly, she will save him.

She then tells the riddle " you are walking on beach, far away, two people was drowned, you can't save both of them, they are struggling and can't listen to your voice , trying to save both of them is immposible because they keep resisting and it will drain all of your stamina , and in the end three of you will got drowned. So how will you save both of them ? "

MC answer is simple, he tell her because both are struggling around and was in panic mode, he will let both of them drown and lose consciousness, so with two people knocked out , he will then drag both of them to the beach.

The ojou sama was amused with his answer and interested with it, she say nobody have that kind of answer and tell her he earn his freedom.

When that happen, the sadist noble lady come and was mad at her trying to buy her product, she then challenged her to kinda some game where they bet something, the noble lady want to humiliate her , i forgot what her bet was, the ojou sama bet for the mc freedom, the game was kinda a riddle solving game i think, this manga was about mystery solving.

Btw the setting was in victorian english era, the ojou sama dress like that, like in black butler era.
Sep 21, 2018
@ark-exodia3 Where did you read the manga? Mangadex? Also is this one another isekai or pure historical-ish no fantasy? Also any other details you can remember at all?

I have to say it's surprisingly hard to find this one despite the rare trope "male slave" (unless you include hentai, in which case I would give up because there are too many)
Sep 24, 2020
No , it is not hentai, i was 100% sure it is not hentai, read it on normal manga website, i only read chapter 1 and that was the summary i explained before

this is kinda 1vs1 game like kakerugui but it was about playing detective aka solving mystery riddle game

it have Nosick vibe to be honest , the mc will become her assistant or servant and help her with her job
Apr 23, 2020
Did that manga contain any kind of magic aspect?
And also, was the story set in Japan/China? or was it set in a more Europe-like place?

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