Slime Saint - Ch. 15 - Fear

Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
I don't buy that about her attitude. It's implied people either got permanently maimed or even killed due to her excesses. Even if it was a cover story, there's no need to go to that extent to make yourself hated.

Furthermore, he mentions her healing power wasn't great before. While we still don't have exact details how all these saint powers work, based on the current story up to this point it's safe to say certain acts and attitude does affect those powers. The old Jelly couldn't use her healing powers properly because she was a tyrantess.

The conversation with this mysterious guy seems to imply he doesnt know about the slime. He speaks as if he realizes poison failed to kill her when he dumped her in the forest, as he talks about her healing ability. But it did kill her, he was right.

If I had to speculate...and this is really a long shot take based on far too little info....he did do something to her again this time, as illustrated by the breaking sphere. My wild guess would be he cast a spell that causes amnesia. This would prevent a saintess from accessing her power, because we see that those powers can't just be intuitively accessed out of the blue. This didn't affect the slime part of her, but it prevents her from accessing her host memories.

Said spell was meant to leave jelly defenceless against the monsters attacking Celestria, which would lead to both being killed. He's not after her today, but he didn't say anything about the monsters.

The hole in this hypothesis is why didn't he cast this on jelly when he tried to kill her the first time? Though it's possible he actually did. But what he's saying now doesn't mesh well with the idea that he did. This manga is surprisingly detailed in some ways so I hold that as significant.
"I hate pigs who dont clean and canaries who stop singing"

and the maid was oddly badass in her final moments "just kill me"

I think that maid was a spy and jelly knew that, her terrible actions let her cover that up by "coincidentally" killing undercover agents
Dex-chan lover
Mar 26, 2023
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Aug 13, 2023
Furthermore, he mentions her healing power wasn't great before. While we still don't have exact details how all these saint powers work, based on the current story up to this point it's safe to say certain acts and attitude does affect those powers. The old Jelly couldn't use her healing powers properly because she was a tyrantess.
I think Celestria also said her healing powers weren't great before back in Ch. 9.

Normally Goddesses hate monsters and sometimes give humans powers to help them deal with them. It's unusual for a Goddess to give a monster powers. I can only think that the slimes in this world are weak and don't target humans (they are scavengers that eat dead plants and animals), and therefore the Goddess is okay with them specifically and not monsters in general.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
The hole in this hypothesis is why didn't he cast this on jelly when he tried to kill her the first time? Though it's possible he actually did. But what he's saying now doesn't mesh well with the idea that he did. This manga is surprisingly detailed in some ways so I hold that as significant.
wouldn't the 'first time' be Will/the butler poisoning her and pushing her off the cliff? unless the poison was provided to him from that person versus the poison jelly had to show 'mercy' to his sister without a magic spell, i don't think the hooded guy was there when she was first pushed off the cliff to make sure the job was finished
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
Maybe the mind wipe drug cost more money and took longer to prepare? If the assassin could get things done with bribing Will and using a basic poison, why not do that, compared to attacking her with a memory wipe potion?
Actually I think that's on the right track, though I think it's also much simpler. Now that I've thought about it, it's probably just that getting Will to poison her the first time covers his tracks nicely.

Jelly was supposed to be murdered by a servant who was taking revenge for her excesses. Likely the hooded man would have had Will killed in an 'accident' when he returns to him to have his sister saved. Will is probably still in danger, come to think of it.

This time, he wipes her memory. It will look like Celestria and Jelly couldn't fight off the monsters, and would be concluded as a freak accident, since they were in a place where only the Saints were present.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
wouldn't the 'first time' be Will/the butler poisoning her and pushing her off the cliff? unless the poison was provided to him from that person versus the poison jelly had to show 'mercy' to his sister without a magic spell, i don't think the hooded guy was there when she was first pushed off the cliff to make sure the job was finished
Yes that's the first time, and I've amended my view on that. I'm wrong either way, as since he thinks her healing ability sucks, he wouldn't have needed the spell anyway.

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