What? That's how you establish if you wanna be dating in the first place. On the contrary, how could anyone be dating without having gone a single date before?What's a first date for if you're not even dating?
Shun didn't accept her confession (yet), so technically, they're not dating.What? That's how you establish if you wanna be dating in the first place. On the contrary, how could anyone be dating without having gone a single date before?
It's Japan. Dating is a procedure with defined steps.Going on a date before you're dating is super normal.
just the usual Japanese romance cliche,I don't think people are this dense, even as teens. Being a coward and not able to make a move is one thing, but being like "I really wanted her to kiss me, I wonder what does that mean?" is quite a stretch. Love is a complex emotion, but if you get aroused by something like that, then you are clearly interested, at least physically. If you weren't, it would have been an uncomfortable, or even gross experience.
...but being like "I really wanted her to kiss me, I wonder what does that mean?" is quite a stretch
I like to think of her reaction as a "I didn't expect to be so into it" kind of thing rather than "I don't understand what I'm feeling" type of thing. I'm guessing, but it would contextually fit that the raw used "なんだそれ", kinda like "wtf was that, I was so full of expectation". I've noticed this thing in particular not carrying over in the TL in a lot of romance manga
Yeah she was thinking of it as a date but they hadn't talked about it being a real date. She was more fantasizing on her own and continuing that would just set her up for disappointment later. Its still the case that the girl barely saw them, made a bunch of assumptions, and is nosy.So just to add to the "dating not dating" thing, theyre not officially dating, this might be a "date" but its not a "officially lovers date"
Thats why the pres was acting like that, specially when in many japanese series a "date" is quite often used in a context of friendship btw girls
Search Kokuhaku cultureAnyways for the whole dating thing I thought you go on dates and then at some point confirm that your (in this case) girlfriends? I'm hella confused