Yeah, welcome back, Akagamins! ^^ Thank you for the translations to you and the Impatient people who stepped in for a while back there.
Binge-reading a bunch of the newest chapters felt good.
Lots of people here're complaining about the focus on politics... and while I agree to some extent, I'm just gonna remind y'all that this manga has been line this for a long time already, so if you hate what it has become so much, you can always just quietly leave.

There's lots of fluff out there if you need it.
I'm still not one bit ok with Kiki/Hisame and I really miss having everyone together (that moment where Zen visited them was so good, these characters play off of each other so well imho~)... But at least that cheesy approach to Shirayuki was mostly a bluff and we don't have to follow some jealousy/naïvete/flirting sideplot that leads nowhere. ^^;
What I am very happy about is that there is direction, that everyone is doing what they can instead of standing around looking pretty (because boy is this manga pretty <3) and that we're even getting to know a little more about Izana and Haki. ^^