As can be seen by the group accredited for this, this was done by GakGakChe, December 2019. Given that they are no longer active, as well as K9 before (having not even been online for the last 4 months, according to the MD profile), Magnificent Aurora Scans is looking to pick this up. However, we don't have enough members.
(Normally, I would do this in a note at the end of the chapter, but am putting it here out of respect for GakGakChe's work, and not make it seem like I had something to do with making it.)
In particular, we need Korean Translators, but do need members of every position. If you know someone who would be willing, or are willing yourself, please apply at our discord: or message me at
calvitre#5133. Thank you for reading, and check out GGC's website if you can!
(Alternatively, if a scans group is interested in picking this up as well, message us, and we can collab!)