So I'm a Spider, So What? - Vol. 10 Ch. 48.2

Jul 5, 2019
its just me or other people come to the comments to laugh the fact that 48 chapters in they still complaining about the who slow a monthly manga is?
i would kill for have 12 hxh a year.
Jan 29, 2019
@aumakua Shouldn’t the race of a half-Human + half-Vampire be a Damphir. Please don’t take this personal, because I definitely don’t mean it to be, but doesn’t “Human Vampire” just sound kinda stupid? Sorry if that was rude. Or is Human Vampire not exactly the name of her race, but rather merely listing off each of the races that she’s a member of?

Thanks for the chapter update!!
Group Leader
Feb 12, 2018
@1000sunny The raws simply say Human Vampire, the point is that she's not a half human half vampire. She's a human who got the vampire skill as her reincarnation bonus from D and since she didn't become a vampire through bloodsucking she's also a true ancestor. Maybe it's a really minor spoiler but in her previous life she was a pale, skinny anemic girl so the others mocked her by calling her a vampire, which is why D gave her the skill. It's a bit convoluted here because the skill gives a title, which gives a race and the way she received the skill created another title and then those titles gave 4 skills rather than just being a simple skill like idaten that flat increases movement speed but it is just her bonus skill essentially.
Also yeah it's more like a list, Human and Vampire.
Jan 29, 2019
@aumakua Thanks! That actually cleared things up a bit for me. And yeah, that is pretty convoluted. Anyway, thanks so much for always giving us the best quality work. You da best!
Group Leader
Feb 12, 2018
@1000sunny To be honest now that I looked into it the whole thing is not worded very clearly. In the raw it says 種族に<吸血鬼>が追加されます which I translated as "<Vampire> gets added to the race list". Appearently the novels translated it as "Adds Vampire to the holder's species." I figured that saying "vampire gets added to the race" doesn't really make sense grammatically, so I made it "race list". But no matter how we look at it 追加 means "adding" to something that already exists, it doesn't say "replacing" or "evolving". So it's unclear whether the original race gets removed when becoming a vampire or vampire simply gets added beside it normally. And if true ancestors originally only hold the vampire as race or do they also have multiple races. Another curious part of it is that there's a skill to the race Vampire level 1, which is a compound skill just like Poison Magic or Heresy Magic. Just like how there's Heresy Magic level 1 skill Discomfort level 2 skill Phantom Pain etc there's also Vampire level 1 skill blood something Vampire level 2 skill blood something etc and it evolves into the Elder Vampire skill at 10 which also has Elder Vampire level 1 blood this blood that and so on. So far only dragons displayed this, they have Fire Drake lv1 lv2 lv3 etc skills but Fire Drake doesn't appear on their race section, their races are inherently Fire Drakes and humans don't have a Human lv1 compound skill, taratects don't have a Taract lv1 skill or anything like that. It's possible that "vampire" doesn't work like other races and is more of a skill that simply gets displayed at the race section as well. We could make more guesses if we saw the appraisal results of other vampires and true ancestors but another minor inconsequential spoiler is that there's no vampires left by the time Sophia is born in the world so we can't really compare her to others. Now this is my speculation but it might actually be a subrace, there's some small not very clearly worded hints at a demon subrace called succubus, which also possibly gets displayed as Demon Succubus on the race section, vampire might work in a similar fashion where it's a subrace that gets added next to the main race.
We could go deeper into the origins of races in this world and how the true ancestors came to be in the first place but that would go into very heavy spoiler territory and I don't think it would really reveal anything. Either way the vampire race seems to be special compared to other races.
Jan 29, 2019
@aumakua Interesting! Thanks a bunch for going the extra mile to dig up those details. That gives me something to chew on. Cheers!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
page 4 , panel 2 : she is just a weak , normal , human house-wife , but she can level up to level 11 ? she levels up by killing rats , cockroaches or something ?

page 6 : running water can kill vampires ? this is the 1st time that i hear that , and it is so stupid , lol .

page 7 , we have :

michael jackson 's thriller .

and some basketball character or something .

page 9 : the goddess D is holding 2 ice creams . note that in the cover of volume 9 , main girl is holding 2 ice creams too .
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018

from what I can remember, she's been mockingly called by the class as
Rihoko, an abbreviation for Real Horror Girl, as to mock how she looked physically like coming straight out of Ringu and not Vampire. Her being a vampire and others reincarnating with their forms was basically just D whimsically thinking it fits them the most.
Jan 18, 2018
And the mother of all monsters looked out over the city and said, "Oh, how cute, a city, let's go shopping or something!"

And everyone lived happily ever after and there would definitely be no mass panic or anyone fleeing in terror. uwu
Aggregator gang
Apr 16, 2018
@Morpher7th she's always picked evolutions that let her stay small, she doesn't really get cow+ sized until she turns into a arachne.

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