So I'm a Spider, So What? - Vol. 10 Ch. 50.3

Feb 22, 2021
@NoGround im pretty sure the manga is going to adapt the human side after we get to *spoilers* so it would make it easier to understand than the LN running them both in different timeline of events so it should be soon.

so basically please keep your salt levels bellow toxic levels thank you

Jan 27, 2018
@NoGround Bro i dont know if you are someone with a low grasp of english or poor reading comprehension so ima be patient with you, i didnt say that nothing in the humans side plot matters, i was QUOTING SOMEONE and saying the QUESTIONS and DETAILS he was mentioning didnt matter in the context of enjoying the manga, im pretty sure from my post anyone can tell that im indeed saying that theres more plot to the story, im saying that all of that extra plot has no bearing on the quality of what this manga is trying to achieve by concentrating on being almost entirely an isekai comedy(and I in general think that even though the plot of the LN forms a cohesive story, im literally just saying that its not a good one in comparison to just being a more simple story about a comedic isekai spider) and that everything "extra" that people keep mentioning is irrelevant to the manga because chances are anyone reading this didnt do so for a deep "plot" (since as everyone likes to point out, its missing) but because its a funny manga with funny spider faces.

The light novel is definetely not as much of a comedy as the manga, that is factually wrong, simply by there being more story about the dull side characters and the worlds happenings in the story itself which detract from the comedy that is the spider antics

Being a weeb is not literally consuming japanese content my dude, maybe read about the term and why it was created
Oct 18, 2018

It's doubtful at this point. Kakashi has adapted human chapters as additional bonuses in the purchasable editions of the Manga.
I couldn't imagine the backlash if Kakashi gets to the point where the human side is necessary and then has to do 50 chapters of flashback in a row. Furthermore, it's not soon at all. It's ridiculously far away. We're about 10 volumes into the manga at the moment, right? This wouldn't line up until another 8 volumes of the manga at the least.

That's kind of the situation we're dealing with at this point. The story is shown as a mystery, as well, so "making it easy to understand" is not the original intention of the writing. It unravels itself slowly.

I'm well aware of the term "weeb" and how it was created. It's funny because you're using it wrong, since it applies to people who think "Japan is the greatest thing ever" and try to use Japanese culture while only having an understanding of it through entertainment such as anime, which is pretty damn insulting. Typically, that's not how it's used anymore but in that case it's hardly an insult. In most Western circles weeb typically means "someone who enjoys Japanese entertainment." The actual insult you're looking for is "weeaboo."

Now, since you have shown that you have no clue what you're talking about, I'm done here. You're the typical manga reader who doesn't like that LN readers think the manga is a poor adaptation. Thank god the anime is making your type the minority.
Apr 8, 2020
welp just saying that ain't big brain letting someone teleport behind you when you know something is teleporting behind you.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 9, 2020
The Demon Lord is connected with all of her kin.
The connection with mother was for the parallel will to invade the demon lord mind.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2019
I don't think she can even kill her though doesn't the MC have the Immortality skill.
Jan 27, 2018
@NoGround I find it hilarious that you are so into the culture that you have to correct me on my term to refer to you (and you are right, im an older man and i forgot the term to be insultive is weaboo nowdays) and theres nothing else retorting to what everything else im saying, so good job proving my point i guess.

Stay mad that your average story is not gona get adapted the way you specifically want to the manga, the incessant need of every weaboo that reads japanese novels and wanting to have their stories just be literally translated to a manga(and i say this as someone who reads lots of novels) and not exploit the strenghts of the genre itself (so literature vs comics) is telling on how they engage with the media they consume, just like comic nerds being mad MCU movies are not like their comics
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2018
Argh, can't wait for the Anime to arrive this far. It's pretty close also.
Active member
Sep 21, 2020
Bro, can someone give me context on the human and demon lord side of things as to what the fuck is happening and why it's happening? I don't read the web novel because it's different from the light novel this manga is based on. However, I know that the human side of things is important from what I heard.

If anyone can spare the time to provide a bit of context it'll be very appreciated.

Also, is the Demon Spider wearing fishnet canon or is that like a mangaka preference? A question for scientific purposes...
Apr 21, 2020
Imagine being the surviving soldiers between the two blasts, literally between a rock and a hard places. Must have left quite a mental scar
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2018
I hope we never get human side manga chapters, personally. Imo the anime already has them take up way too much runtime for bland, boring, annoying, and dumb characters. Of course I read the web novel so I was kinda anticipating spider action and to have that delayed for some dumb classmates I don't care about made me kinda biased I guess. Maybe they'd seem more interesting if I'd read the LN first.
Active member
Oct 7, 2020
@Austriacus While I agree that different media's are better suited for different things, Deciding to remove that isn't just a small adaption change like deleting the earth dragon, or forgetting mother exists. Its a complete overhaul of the story telling style and removes the long standing questions and the sudden reveal that the original author intended to convey. Even though the story itself isn't changing, having that specific, super long story telling element removed is something I would never expect from an adaption, and would hope would only happen at the original authors request.

That element isn't any different in manga/anime/ln formats. Its equally confusing and surprising in all of them. Removing it should only be done if you want to trigger an entirely different set of thoughts and emotions in the readers, an action I hope the author would get to chose.
Who knows, maybe the author did this

And to be clear, I am not talking about the human side. Thats only the POV, and I am certain it will get covered eventually. The element that was removed with it is far greater than that. An element the author very intentionally added to the story, dragged out for a long time, just to finally reveal the surprise long long after and cause everyone to want to re-read once the full context is known. Something the author had to plan from the very beginning of the novel for it to work. Knowing something that had that much thought and time put into it removed hurts me physically

Its one thing if the author created multiple story lines for different adaptions (in which case we can look forward to something they thought would be a better fit for a manga), but if not, then this was just a careless move undermining months of planning the author put in prior to publishing the first chapter

ps. I am saying this as someone who read spoilers, and is vastly disappointed I did not get to experience what the LN readers felt.
pps. There are no spoilers in my post as I the most descriptive words I use when talking about the actual story is "that" and "humans". So you can safely read the whole thing it if your bored
Double-page supporter
Apr 20, 2018
@MoodyUsername The Demon Lord is the progenitor of the Taratect species and is pissed off that "Kumiko" killed one of her daughters, the Taratect Queen. Her motives right now are purely revenge. I'm pretty sure this isn't a spoiler, since they've talked about this in the manga over the last X number of chapters.

The thing with the elves going after the Duke's daughter would be a spoiler:
The reincarnated Elf teacher from the anime asked her father the elf king to help gather up all the reincarnations. The Elf King is out to make himself more powerful though, so he has been murdering the parents of reincarnations or forcing them to ruin so he can buy the kids. In an effort to recruit them all quickly at any cost. The ones he can't recruit he has killed, unknown to his daughter.

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