So I'm a Spider, So What? - Vol. 6 Ch. 29.3


Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Active member
Feb 9, 2018
I am seriously close to dropping this. I don't give a rat's ass about the LN or these new characters. Yes, they are new from the manga's perspective.

The worst part is, this is a solid 180 in terms of story telling. If the LN did this from the beginning thats fine, but the manga did not. People who got invested into the series did not because of the complex non-chronological storytelling, because there was none. They got invested because of a cute spider in a cave fighting for her survival, and changing the way the story is told from one chapter to the next is like a slap in the face. Its like your favourite romcom manga turns into splatter horror from one page to the next.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@mage_goo Even if Kumo is present, the fact that she is not doing shit while the chapter focuses on this generic characters makes it just as bad.

I read this because I enjoy Kumo's antics, two chapters of "yet another generic group of demon generals or whatever meeting to talk about the war with the humans" isn't what I'm looking for. And it's not like I hate worldbuilding or side character getting attention (I wouldn't be an Overlord fan otherwise), this chapter just sucked, literally just a bunch of dudes sitting at a table while two characters throw exposition at us in the laziest way possible.
Jan 25, 2018

Seriously. Flash forwards, teases, and delayed gratifications are not allowed at all by how some people are arguing.

Fyi, most of these characters were new at this point in the WN as well.

This part of the story in all its forms is meant to confuse you. It is meant to make you think Kumo is the demon lord and for some reason is doing something mustachio-twirling evil.

Were there problems with the execution? Absolutely. It should have been one 24 page character instead of a 18 and 8.

But the existence of misdirection in storytelling is pretty normal.

Also, next chapter is in like a week. You'll survive the wait.
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
Again this chapter fell odd because is out of place, context and time. This is only the half of the war council (chapter we see later on the main story), the only purpose of this chapter is show how powerful and how much Kumo will change in the future. This is only a flashforward the main story will continue with Kumo in her next evolution there's too much left until we reach this point.
I couldn't give less of a fuck about these characters
Fun fact: You're not supposed to care about these characters (yet) these are just random dudes in the Council. Later when Kumo reach the Demon country and meet them from the start and know more about them then you're going to care for them.
The labyrinth arc is just the PROLOGUE of the story, when Kumo escape the whole world opens for her and a lot of things happen (most of them bad). Did you really expect that she will go to a human country and somehow people will accept to live with a monster?
A human cannot understand a spider’s feelings. A spider cannot understand a frog’s feelings.
Quote from Kumo herself.
Also these chapters are supposed to be important to the other human reincarnators too (another Side Story the mangaka skipped and most likely we're going to see later) because if a war start it's just matter of time for them to be called to join the army.
You can blame the magaka for the generic art
Also in all chapters comment section is always at least 1 dude who say this:
This WN/LN/Manga needs patience
The story will throw a lot of shit to you but later all is going to fit nicely.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@cashew It's not that those things aren't allowed and no one is complaining that Kumo "turned" into that generic Demon King, the problem here is that they wasted two "chapters" for this flash forward/tease/delayed gratification/misdirection/whatever the fuck you want to call it while completely falling to catch the reader's interest. Maybe it could be excused in the source material since this whole side story probably would take little time to read and you could go back to the main story almost immediately, but it can't be excused in this format.

The real problem isn't that the story focused on something else, the problem is that these characters, the situation they are in and the exposition we were given are so boring and generic when compared to the main story that instead of going "wow, so these are some guys that Kumo might meet, how interesting" or "wow, Kumo became a Demon King and these are her subordinates, I wonder how that happened" a lot of people just went "who gives a shit about generic demon bad guy #31232312 and generic demon bad guy #31232313 and their generic talk about a generic war between humans and demons? This is fucking boring and it's taking too long!".

So I would say it's 75% the manga's fault for avoiding the previous side stories other people mentioned and taking too long to tell this boringass side story and 25% the author's fault for failing to catch the reader's interest while introducing a whole set of new characters (unless the manga shat on their introduction and characterization, in which case is 100% its fault).
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
People who got invested into the series did not because of the complex non-chronological storytelling, because there was none
Let me fix it
People who got invested into the "manga" did not because of the complex non-chronological storytelling, because there was none

They got invested because of a cute spider in a cave
You mean the generic black spider that was never described as "cute" or are you talking about the evolutions that described as "is a monster that looks like it came Out from Hell". The first time Kumo was depicted as cute was in the LN and that's only how she imagine herself.
The black one on the background is how she really looks

If the LN did this from the beginning thats fine, but the manga did not.
This is why until recently japanese readers called the manga "half product" and why it wasn't an option to use as source material for the anime.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
the only purpose of this chapter is show how powerful and how much Kumo will change in the future
And why was this necessary at all? I already know Kumo will become powerful in the future, this is isekai for fuck's sake.

Fun fact: You're not supposed to care about these characters (yet) these are just random dudes in the Council. Later when Kumo reach the Demon country and meet them from the start and know more about them then you're going to care for them.
Then why waste my time with characters that won't be introduced till much later and who I will be introduced again and get to meet properly anyway?

The labyrinth arc is just the PROLOGUE of the story, when Kumo escape the whole world opens for her and a lot of things happen (most of them bad). Did you really expect that she will go to a human country and somehow people will accept to live with a monster?
No? I never said anything even close to that.

Also these chapters are supposed to be important to the other human reincarnators too (another Side Story the mangaka skipped and most likely we're going to see later) because if a war start it's just matter of time for them to be called to join the army.
Then the one in charge of the manga is an idiot for not showing us all the other side stories that make this one matter a little bit.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I find it truly fascinating how people who are coming in chapters or books behing the content are complaining about the content. If you complain to express frustration or surprise, fair enough. If you complain as though your voice has any relevance to how the story will continue from here... You may wish to find a completely different source material to read (i.e. English web comics) as this is written in Japan, for Japanese readers, and has already been published. Nothing any of us say here has any relevance to what will happen from here on out as, even if the manga is in the process of being written, it is written in Japan and the Mangaka does not read, and likely isn't even aware of, the comments here.

By all means, express frustration, express surprise. But don't expect change related to any thing stated here.

Also, for those complaining about those of us referencing the light/web novels, we have evrry right to do so, as long as we are ambiguous about it, or put it in spoilers. If YOU open the spoiler, that's YOUR fault, not ours
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
The mangaka was given creative freedom to create the manga and most issues in these chapters are his fault, the B1 chapter (WN) truly gives a lot of exposition but it was the mangaka choice to split it in 2 chapters and moved it from place. This chapter originally appear after Kumo kill the Fire Drake (the lord of the fire sea) the previous chapter ended with Kumo peeling off the drake's scales so no cliffhanger or tense moment was interrupted.
Hell the only reason this chapter was delayed was because he wanted to go to the comiket, in those three days he could easily made just one chapter of 24 pages.
Jan 25, 2018
I don't think including the side stories would have made the manga popular in the first place. Shun and company were boringly generic. And also, not directly relevant to these last two releases anyway. They'll be affected by the war for sure but whatever, it's war.

As for wasting two releases, again, next chapter is in a week. You'll be fine. 28 pages isn't really that long of a wait. I don't understand why it was split-up like this and I think that was a mistake but this isn't really much of a delay.

Does the story seem odd because this seems like a completely different and generically evil? Congratulations. That's what is supposed to be happening.

The story is supposed to subvert your expectations. It stands out from other isekeis because it does things differently.

And here you have a choice. You can be generic, angry internet person who is unhappy that things aren't exactly what you want.

Or you can have patience, take a breath, and see where it goes.
Active member
Feb 9, 2018
I am talking about the manga, and the manga only. As I said, I don't care what the LN describes Kumo as, in the manga she was pretty cute from the beginning, with her over-the-top expressions and imaginary cosplays and whatnot. If that depiction in your spoiler is what she's described as in the LN - that is not really cute, and it is way different from the manga.

I don't care what the japanese LN readers think about the manga either. Sounds like a lot of snobbish "you're not a true fan when you don't appreciate the source material more than any adaptation" to me.

Bottom line is, I liked the manga the way it was until now, and suddenly it changed heavily. I suspect @TUSF is correct - the manga was never meant to be a wholesome adaptation, but got more successful than expected and now the author feels compelled to bring it on par with the LN. But that completely ignores that the manga has become an enjoyable story in its own right, and that is getting compromised with these changes.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@SuppeBargeld I'm pretty sure Kumo is meant to actually look like that in the manga and what we see is how she sees herself in her mind.
Jan 22, 2018
Somehow I knew that this was coming snce that dumb chapter with the phone girl calling. This is the isekai story that I actually looked forward to read. I read, follow and skim through a lot of stories like these and they tend to bore me. I do not like power level demon lord bullshit in the same level. I do not like slice of life in another world. I loved the adventurous feeling of a little spider surviving in a harsh world, even if I am not a fan of the videogame level up I could live with it. There was something charming about this manga, I cannot put my finger on what exactly but something about it worked.
I do not like the last two chapters. It looks and reads like another of those million isekais, the world feels like the same isekai stuff, the characters look like the typical isekai stuff and the only thing that we are lacking is kumo joining the adventure guild. I don't know if it will continue like this because I don't like reading spoilers and I do not read the novel or whatever. But as a manga reader only the last two chapters were people talking about boring bullshit that we've seen a million times. I do not give a shit about the world right now, I want more spider adventures.
Mar 8, 2018
"This is why until recently japanese readers called the manga "half product" and why it wasn't an option to use as source material for the anime."

How 12 episodes of an anime will provide more information than 29 chapters of a manga is yet to be determined. Animes usually are a rushed form of the manga which in turn is usually a rushed form of the LN. I have no hope the anime will do it right.
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
This manga is an exception (at least Kumo story), the manga pace is very similar to the LN and it doesn't skip any major part. This story is very heavy on scene's descriptions most of the enviroments or movements.
Again it doesn't feel rushed because the manga completely ignored the side stories, and this is the main reason it can't be used as source material for the anime (the manga it's only half book) most adaptations cut some material but not half of it.
The manga has 57 chapters of 15 pages of average this is a joke when you look at mangas like slime with 48 chapters of 35 pages of average.
For what the PV showed the anime will have:
- Kumo chapters (55 chapters if you take out these 2 last chapters)
- S chapters (44 chapters)
- B chapters (2 chapters, 6 if they adapt B2 and War ???)
- Y chapters (4 chapters)
- K chapters (4 chapters)
- And there other chapters that don't have the normal nomenclature like "
The royal capital battle 1,2,3,...
" or "
The labyrinth's nightmare 1,2,3,...
Note: The number of chapter is counting manga average content per chapter (1 WN chapter = 2 Manga chapters).
Note 2: This number will increase because the side chapter were longer in the LN.
The anime undoubtedly will be rushed the big question here is what are they going to rush Kumo or Shun story.
Aggregator gang
Mar 3, 2018
Again, too little Kumoko, like only three panels of her, at least she got lines this time. Is fun to read all the comments about people whining because they don´t understand LOL.
@G-P Kumoko is there you just need to look a little bit.
Jan 18, 2018
@twincubus I dunno how closely the anime was planned against the manga pacing, but doesn't the manga kinda have to cover this now since Kumoko is about to leave the labyrinth? I haven't read the WN past this part in the story yet, but I assume leaving the labyrinth means she will start encountering all the people from the side stories now.
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
Yes it's unknown when the anime will come out but it will most likely cover until the escape from the labyrinth with some side stories. They're a lot of side stories look at my comment to ArixNypher there I listed the side chapters that are aired at the same time with the labyrinth arc. There're a bunch more of side stories (all important characters have a side story). For those in the war council
of them have side stories.

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