So I'm a Spider, So What? - Vol. 7 Ch. 34.2

Active member
Jun 16, 2018
A bit late to raise this, a huge stretch, and completely different media - but was anyone else reminded of Rick and Morty? I noticed and can see this chapter with the two character's behavior, depicted powerful level of the older mage, and the mage's oopsie moment all sound like it happen in the first half of an episode. I can totally imagine "oh no, we're caught --> wait, hold on, I can fix this --> opps, my OP powers fixed it too much --> oh no, everyone is about to die to a giant spider.

Of course the tone and theme is completely different, but I somehow made that connection. Plus the mage is not OP enough to truly fit.
Jun 4, 2018

I would actually advise them to try Turb0's translation. His unreliable translation work (even with some mistakes) gives flavor to Kumo's unreliability and misunderstandings of the System. Blastron's work feels too perfect for me. Somewhat mechanical, as if something is lost in translation.
Jan 28, 2019
@Cathrain Yeah, that is one way to look at it. But for me, I rather have the misunderstandings and stuff the author intended and not work in my head every sentence around so that they make sense.
The enjoyment of reading doesn't lie in the content or the idea of it, but in the presentation. You like the presentation Turbo gives, but for me, it gave me the impression that this was just another run out off the mill monster isekai that's going nowhere, thanks to how he presented it(which is worse than simple mtl by the way, seriously don't read it if you can).

TL;DR He destroys the readability and meaning so it creates a completely different work.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Wow, completely forgot that I posted a reply here...
The following is not spoilers because it is all hypothetical or based on what is released in the manga.
If you (the general "you" not anyone in particular) are attacked and prosecuted because of your beliefs... And I mean violently attacked... You'd have a right to defend yourself.
If you were attacked because of their beliefs, you would STILL have a right to defend yourself.
If you were attacked because of your beliefs, and your beliefs were WRONG (caps is easier than italics, on a phone...), then, unless your beliefs directed you to harm others, you would still have the right to protect yourself.
Etc, etc.
Kumo knows more about the world she was pulled into than the others pulled into it (at least at current time in the manga). She also knows more about multiple worlds than ANYONE in her new world (other than D and the other reincarnations). She knows where things are heading and how the world is naturally evil.
Wouldn't you want to be woken from a bad recurring dream?
Wouldn't you defend yourself from the masses trying to remove you from their existence because their "gods" pretend you are evil? Especially if you are trying to remove yourself from the same existence (just, not through death...)

Anyway, I will try to remember to check my alerts this time...
Mar 6, 2019
Without reading what "tame" refers to theres no doubt just from reading what's released in this version the humans went in there with arrogance and ill intent towards Kumoko. Like seriously you think this thing is stronger then anything you can handle and you want to take it down or tame it anyway? Yes morally she should have stopped the first time once she realised just how strong she actually was. However they weren't there to friend her. They were there to either use or dispose of her and the mindset of those who sent them there was on the hostile end of things before they even stepped foot into the dungeon. If they had any intention of attacking her they should never have deliberately gone anywhere near her other then what's necessary given they knew it was beyond their capabilities

They could have said to send a investigation party to study the spiders behaviour and see if it can be befriended as an ally or if it's better left off alone or if they need some other course of action. They didn't. They'd already decided she was a threat before they found her. Which means even if they'd succeeded in bringing her back with them and she somehow managed to deactivate the fear part of her abilities for the humans those back at camp were never going to accept her. Not really. At best they'd have tolerated her as something beneath them, but never as an equal or as something above them. This would have caused problems with how people interact with Kumoko in general once she enters the human establishment if she had gone with them
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
The problem is that Kumo is already a threat. Thanks to "bringer of fear", "intimidation" and her massive hunting in the upper layer monsters are starting to migrate to the safe paths for humans and exiting the labyrinth (without mention that near the entrance there's a fort and a small city.

It's impossible to kill all monsters on the safe paths, the
Dragons (specially the Earth Dragons)
won't allow it.
Haven't you noticed that 2 of 3 times a Dragon have appeared is after Kumoko kill a huge number of monsters
Group Leader
Feb 12, 2018
@DrDuckling The chapter was supposed to come out today but they changed it to next week. It's a webmanga so there's no real schedule but they have a notice when the next chapter releases.
Aggregator gang
Apr 16, 2018
In the novel it's blatantly clear that the moe Kumo is just how she sees herself while everyone else just sees a giant scary spider.
Jan 18, 2018
Interesting. So they didn't mean to burn her home, it just spread from the connecting spidersilk.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
Even they knew "it" would be furious after that accident, huh? Still probably doesn't make them accept that being attacked was their own fault and leave it at that though. If an animal (reasonably) retaliates against humans, it's pretty much marked for death because that's how we roll.
Double-page supporter
Oct 20, 2018
The old guy is the strongest mage on the empire?
Then humanity is doomed, how many monsters are stronger than our MC?
Jun 7, 2020
So MC can walk and see monster far stronger than her but Humans from this world walk in this nest without seing the dragons ?
Aug 21, 2019
@vangoz Yup, one of the strongest humans. Along with the hero party (which should have been introduced a long time ago) and few other individuals but those don't really show themselves that often. But there are still quite a lot of entities that could beat Kumo rn
however that number wil eventually decrease to single digits.

@rberger Kumoko was wandering around aimlesly and got to places she shouldn't ever visit, although she is a danger magnet tbh. The humans on the other hand employ a guide that knows where to go, how to get there and how to avoid dangerous areas. They are in also in the upper layer which has only weaker/younger dragons and those usually stick to certain areas. There is also the fact that everything that has a brain is currently trying to get as far away from Kumo as possible ASAP.

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