The A-rank knight could never give a better reason for him being killed again. If only he had been less egoistic due to his rank and had a more rational mind.
Did they do a reset with ice elf chief? It feels like that scene in Matrix with the black cat or in that other manga, where people act like NPCs from 90's RPGs until you ask the right question/ do the right thing to move the plot forward.
I can't wait for the chapter when he meets nr. 1 S class from Japan...
-Can i sparr in next round with this guy there , i can sense he is quite good [assasin type] hunter.
-But Sung JinWo is [magical type] hunter
-Huh but im sure he is assasin type
Baek Ho thoughts
(Sorry guys but if im right he is [growth increase type], becouse i serched in web about growth type and i found post with smilar questions from day when he re-awakened
Kid don't know how to hide his tracks in internet
What a pain he don't whant to join White Tiger)
Because Kim Chul is an A-rank Tank. He already admits that just him and Igris won’t be enough, so having a specialized Tank should give them more focus on attack