@Muse Dunno who this "Y'all" is you're referring to (which earns you a 'yuch' and an eyeroll) but I certainly have been internally bitching about several series that don't release on MD.
The complaints I personally have (rather than the complaints of "Y'all") are solely for the reason that things are slightly more inconvenient for me than they could be, made completely from a perspective irrelevant to the goings-on of the scanlation world, with the full expectation that they're not going to be constructive or addressed in any shape or form, for the purpose of venting.
I'd even wager that this "Y'all" group consists mostly of people who are similarly venting rather than actually attempting to enforce some sort of change to the current situation, which is the result of many complex factors few would be invested in personally exploring, since it would eat away at time which could be spent reading garbage and spewing insipid memes, which is likely a more constructive way to spend one's time, all things considered.
...I need to go masturbate, like, right now, for some reason.