Solo Leveling - Vol. 2 Ch. 133

Dec 17, 2018
@Abetillo : He left the commander of the ant army, Beru. Beru only went against him once when he felt threatened during the duel with Cha Hae-in (I think the name is right -- the blond love interest). Plus the guy is insanely strong

@jessiej : First, Japan deserves a little punishment after their attempted murder (were planning on sacrificing) of all the hunters on Jeju island. Second, Sung-woo is an individual citizen, who has already done FAR MORE than he had to for the public good; furthermore, it has only been less than 2 days since he got out of the Double Dungeon raid where he ALMOST DIED. Even more, at the end of the chapter he is heading over to help them despite them not offering him anything yet; none of the other very strong hunters have done this. The russian guy came over but requested a colossal sum of money to do so. Think critically.
Active member
Apr 23, 2020
What a terrible chapter. I mean, well translated and well drawn, as usual, and thanks!
But god the writing was fucking awful. Like any of us were expecting him not to go? If you're going to make him ponder, then give him actual reasons not to go. Give him time, give him arguments... These past two chapters have been a list of things people say to him and his answers, like trotting out all these examples of how terribly haaaaard the choices are for poor poor Jin woo... He doesn't really want, then he wants to, then he doesn't, then he lets his only friend's dad to die because it didn't "move him" and like, fucking christ... Way to make the character out of touch and dislikable.
None of the "emotions" showcased over the last two chapters had the time or opportunity to shape him or make him grow. Let's go back to bashing stuff already, the character building bits clearly isn't author nim's strong point.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
@jessiej there is no outbreak in Korea, it's just Japan. he has the choice between saving 100+ million japanese people or chilling at home watching TV....

@Oukishi justified? he's justified in dooming 160 million people and an entire nation to death because he's angry that 10 hunters almost died... you think Japan had it coming? Japan still planned on saving Korea, they still planned on exterminating the ants and protecting the Korean people they just wanted them under their banner. Japan might have put their interest first but they didn't try to destroy Korea or doom them to death. you are comparing pebbles to boulders
Dec 7, 2020
Why is MC even taking a plane? He has a dragon he can ride.

@dssmith Sure the Japanese government deserves to be punished, but that doesn't mean millions of innocent civilians deserve to die- they had nothing to do with the raid. Sung-Woo is a private citizen, so he isn't legally required to do anything, but it's still an asshole move to just watch all those people die. He doesn't even need to go in person, he can just send some of his heavy-hitting summons to at least slow down the monsters. If millions of innocents are dying and you can help, but choose not to because you aren't getting paid, you are an asshole,.
Dec 7, 2020
@ChocoPark Do you really think Japan would stop him? They have way bigger problems to take care of right then, and even if they didn't, there's only one guy with an undead dragon, and if he's showing up, it's probably to help.
Dec 17, 2018
@Doomer : As discussed in my previous comment, SJW is not "dooming 160 million people". He's literally one of multiple extremely powerful hunters, and he's the only one that is willing to go there to save everyone without compensation. Also, it's been LESS THAN TWO DAYS since he ALMOST DIED. And he's STILL GOING.

@NoraDaimio : You should check out the light novel. The Manhwa is a limited length and they can't include everything, unfortunately, and sometimes important parts are not included.
1. The dad spoiler:
he actually does save him
. The reason he is not sure about it is he only has a few of these potions, and does not believe that he can make more. It is so powerful that it could save someone on the cusp of death with mortal wounds. Why would he give that away without doing due diligence on whether the dad was worth saving? Remember the dad has been very critical of SJW's bro (forgot his name) in the past, also.
2. The reasons for not going. They actually do directly talk about this. His Mom has just been revived recently from a YEARS LONG COMA. His sister went face to face with death and most likely has some PTSD. This on top of SJW almost dying from double dungeon. This all happened very recently in the timeline. It makes sense that he has second thoughts.
Dec 17, 2018
@8484439 : As discussed in my previous two comments, it doesn't make him an asshole to prioritize his and his family's safety. Just because he can help, doesn't mean that he is obligated to risk his life to take down these huge monsters he may or may not be able to fight while not dying. Plus, he still goes within a couple days of learning about what happened. Think about this through the context of an individual rather than an idealized Superman figure.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@8484439 I just had a great business idea for MC. instead of wasting his breath going around places saving people by himself, he can just let people/guild/nation to lent them his shadow(s) for a price. this way he's practically saving the world, farm exp and get numerous travel point. but with MC's current number of shadow soldier this is not viable enough as it would reduce his fighting power. maybe after he's grown enough like the one on the vision
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
Time for Jin-Woo to buy some limited edition eroge and action figures. It's JP after all.
Jul 5, 2020
"The year is 20XX, anime is now dead after the opening of a weird gate in Japan. To pass the time, we have been reading korean manhwas and novels , little did we know is that they became the target of many different gods. Reincarnation to a manhwa/novel world or their senario happening in real life, this is the story of ----------" =>How every korean reincarnation manhwa/omniscient reader viewpoint like manhwas started :)
Active member
Apr 23, 2020
@dssmith you don't understand my point. I don't need the potion explained to me, or his resolutions. Nothing here is a mystery, everything is blatantly worded. We're told, not shown. It's just fake drama that doesn't amount to any real character progression. Jin woo doesn't change or progress as a character, he's given fake stuff to pseudo-worry about, and make him going to Japan drag out.
His concerns could all be valid, if only they were given actual development and time to breathe and matter, or if it changed him in some way.
As it is, it comes across as weak writing. And no "read the light novel" is not an excuse. Just like no one likes to go see a film in the theatre, not understand parts, and being told "go read the book". An adaptation ought to stand on its own.
Honestly? None of this was necessary. If they want to take liberties, they may as well cut all that crap.
Nov 3, 2020
Hmm just what is the Ahjin guild symbol based on? A phoenix/bird? Or maybe it's just a random abstract art that looked a bit cool...
Jan 31, 2018
For anyone saying millions of inocent people die... well, Tokyo was evacuated, only hunters and militia was there...
Active member
Sep 24, 2018
this is by far the best translations ,the only problem i have is that i wish you guys would translate the SFX at the top or bottom of the image

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