Solo Leveling

Oct 8, 2018
Who's going to be happy with this latest trash scanlation upload? Sure having to wait for your favorite manhwa sucks, but if you're going to be petty and try to snipe, at least put some effort into it. Otherwise your 'revenge' falls flat on its face.
Jun 16, 2018
Whoever did the 31st chapter cussed for nothing. Translation is so bad it’s annoyingly irritating ? I’ll wait for Meraki. I understand why they take too long. They’re a paid translation site, pretty sure a lot would like to read SL. But if not enough donors support SL, what can they do?
Mar 6, 2018
the 31st is so bad a many level, i will wait for the translation of Meraki they do a good job
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
Please give me troll chapter back, I need it in my life, so beautiful
Feb 23, 2018
To the person who just uploaded, don’t half ass things it annoying and serves no purpose
Apr 23, 2018
wow, troll/joke ch32 deleted and troll/joke ch33 comes out right away...
10 seconds later Edit: Both gone now

Well, It would be extremely odd for any other serious group to bother translating a series that another group just uploaded 3 chapters of in one day, and had been uploading at least 1 ch per day for almost a month. Though, I do wonder what is inspiring these trolls to waste their time.
Mar 19, 2018
What is the point of even doing joke/troll chapters, when the team doing the real deal is doing an amazing job already?
Sep 25, 2018
I absolutely hate manga, or manhwa, whatever you call it. They are composed ENTIRELY of half thought out, cringey, overdone ideas and writing. Normally I wouldn't mind this, every piece is unique and has its flaws. But it's when the writing SCREAMS to me that it WANTS to be taken as 'serious' is when I get pissed off. So many plot holes, so many things that don't make sense. It is indescribable how much of a 'le cruel and reality' feeling it exudes. I'm all for one whenever they try to make a proper serious one without any sugarcoating or such, but the problem is that if you can't do it properly, it becomes an immediate failure! One that I despise the most. (spoilers ahead)

How about the fact he's a hunter in the first place? He is weak as hell and was on the brink of death at essentially the LOWEST DIFFICULTLY OF WHATEVER HUNTERS DO. Why? Do the gains make up for the risks? Clearly not because HES FUCKING POOR. The gains absolutely DO NOT make up for the risks. Why doesn't he just get a job like construction work or some shit? There isn't anything there stopping him from doing that. He needs the money, yet from the looks of it, the money he's getting from being a hunter is SO LITTLE that even a minimum wage might be better.

What about the setting? It's modern, but whaaa? Dungeons and magic? You know how they deal with it? By sending in SMALL PARTIES, with SWORDS. With cold weapons. WHY? Why in hell did the government just not create a military with the task of destroying dungeons? It is so SO much more efficient if everybody knows when a dungeon comes along, that it is the military's job. The military can immediately prepare without fiddling any thumbs and take it down. And the soldiers could be EQUIPPED WITH DAMN GUNS. Unless there is a fully fledged, reasonable answer as to why they do not use guns or any hot weapons, it is FUCKING BULLSHIT THAT THEY USE SWORDS.

Now lets look at when he enters the 'd' ranked dungeon. "oh yeah guys look a boss room! we went into the dungeon to make money but i claim that we do not have that much profit from going into a dungeon. only a boss room could make up the profit. but clearly we entered the dungeon without thinking about anything because we somehow need to do a vote as to enter the boss room or not. whats that? virtually half of us don't want to enter and realistically you'd simply refuse to go along? well looks like we have one single more vote from the weakest piece of shit. guess that means you all have to enter anyway! look at us entering the boss room! lets not take a single precaution! we don't need anything like actually scouting out the boss or ensuring we have a method of escape, because everyone except the MC has half a brain! woops looks like 80% of us are dead"

Lets look at the penalty quest for example. 4 hours in a desert. Running away from a giant centipede thing. THERE IS NO WAY HE OUTRAN THAT THING FOR FOUR HOURS STRAIGHT, IN A DESERT WHERE THE SAND MAKES YOU SLOWER AND TIRE SO SO SO MUCH FASTER. Firstly, why was the sand centipede THAT close to him in the first place? WHY DID IT CHASE AFTER HIM? The energy expended to energy it would've gotten IS INBALANCED IMMENSELY. In the desert where we could see barely any life, sneak and ambush tactics would've been the only viable option.

The MC also pisses me off immensely. His thought process is akin to a 14 year old who thinks they're clever. But overall, this is just me maybe picking at 20% of the flaws I see. I probably could write a 20 page essay of all the little flaws and why this is bad and could've been MUCH better.

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