Solo Spell Caster

Nov 26, 2020
When will these authors stop adding "solo" to their titles? We'll still read without the solo in it. The truth is that this won't have the same success as Solo Leveling and that's ok. We fantasy themed readers will read it anyway šŸ˜‚. Tomb Raider and other manhwa have similar themes but are interesting in their own way. The solo thing is getting annoying. I felt like I had to read this.
Now to shut up and start reading šŸ˜.
Aug 15, 2020
This is simply amazing. If you like Solo Leveling and in general Over Powered Main Characters that arenā€™t stupid or are as dense as iron ore. Then this is the series for you. Let me clarify that this is not a solo leveling clone, copy, rip off, or anything else. This series is more like a hybrid of Solo Leveling and The Gamer but with a much stronger storyline then The Gamer and isnā€t yet as dark as Solo Leveling. The MC has no tragic past, his family isnā€t yet mysterious, or absent or, tragically lost somewhere. The MC is just an ordinary guy who gained a truly interesting set of powers and wants to be free to do as he sees fit. He knows that heā€™ll have to eventually join a guild for the more higher level areaā€™s but he doesnā€™t join in the most traditional of senses. So, feel free to ignore the other posts by people who can't understand the need or desire to be alone and to be able to be a team of one. It's truly an amazing series.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 10, 2019
There's no actual story here, the MC has no goals, his head in the clouds and the only personality he's shown so far is "I'm awesome, therefore worship me!".

As others have said, this is a mishmash of elements from other stories just thrown together in a pot with no rhyme or reason, with extremely obvious direct ripoffs here an there.

The MC's whole trope of "Getting powers like his video game character" is also terribly done. Clearly the game and reality are totally different things, but as soon as the MC goes out into an established pre-existing dungeon space, the boss suddenly behaves exactly like a mob in his game... Author, his game character fantasy exists in his head, not in the actual world. This gets even worse when his next step is to go to a specific dungeon to get new spells, because that's how it worked in his video game... Again, why do old established dungeons suddenly exactly match this guys old video game? It's all backwards.

His skills themselves are also a complete mess. His skill to duplicate things is initially shown to have significant limitations and cannot duplicate anything of value until he levels it up... Next chapter he is easily duplicating every powerful artifact he encounters. Next, he has an "armor" skill that he uses to project a barrier in from of him, but then he suddenly uses it on his hand to win a... hand squeezing contest of strength?! Or how he apparently has to go into specific dungeons to get skills, but apparently he can get all sorts of absurdly overpowered passive skills for free just by jogging in the park? Or how alot of the relics and early skills made an emphasis on increasing mana/mana-regen/etc, but he is never shown to ever care about mana at any point and just spams freely. Or how how he has a mechanic/production skill, and the very first thing he does is use it to instantly create flying modern looking drones that have nearly as much firepower as he does... Or how his very first fight (With a strength stat of 5, e.g. absurdly low) with a borrowed cheap sword, uses it to directly pierce straight through a metal shield and the enemies metal helmet behind it... etc...
Group Leader
Jun 22, 2020
Now then! I think people are interested at what i write so here it is!

I dont recommend this manhwa or manhua... idk. TO ANYONE that likes shit where the mc becomes a pussy, influenced by a rich bitch etc.

The mc doesnt have goals... he is giving in with a big abudance of resources to some slut... FOR 5 YEAR! You got it? He became a c rank in a month... He will be used, bossed around, i think this is the same height as ALL OF THE BODYGUARD SHITS. So yeah. I had high expectations but i lost all of it. If it were +100 in the start... chapter 15= -999999999999.... so yeah!

Dropped, 1 star bullshit. The story is making me puke, the mc is making me puke, the bitches making me puke... AAAH absolute bullshit... And he is being used at a high level too! My god guys... Such shit can only be seen every year once...
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
feels to me as if solo leveling, sorcerer king, the gamer and auto-hunting were thrown together into a mixer and then everything that rose to the top was dumped and the bottom rung was sprayed against a paper wall
this manhwa is the sprayed paperwall

but the translation seemed very on point complete and readable which is not easy to do for a game manhwa with more status screens than plot
Dec 4, 2018
God dammit, the pacing, the worldbuilding, lines spoken writen by a 3 year old. Everything about this is a cliche pukefest. Mentions stats but they are so wildly different after 1 page, Nothing makes sense, everything is permitted.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
Trash story from top to bottom. He goes from a sniveling weak worm one day to I can do it all badass the next. Well the art isn't bad if you can ignore the fact that all the males and females look alike but that isn't enough to save this garbage can story. How the fuck this has a rating above 7 is mind boggling!?


Jan 18, 2018
Why does this have 7/10? the latest non-reply comments are all saying it's trash.
Aug 17, 2019
low effort crap, i hate myself for reading the existing chapters. never gonna take a 2nd glance at this after that tho
Apr 21, 2020
I have no idea how these authors can justify the mc going from a chickenshit office worker to being a battle hardened badass over night, it just reeks of terrible writing. ugh these stories could be so much fun watching the mc grow with his powers but nope, let's just flip a switch and have the mc become the opposite of the person he was at the start.

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