Teens as described by that guy were like a margin - people disliked by others, shunned away, etc. I personally don't know a single person who fucked left and right, cheated and used only his dick as his brain in their teens, but I may be biassed cause of the mentioned personality - which for sure gave me a certain type of people who I had around me.
That's the point man. About doing drugs thing, i mean at some point in life, while i was a teen i didn't think like that while i was a young adult i thought like that and now in my middle ages i think i was a tad bit smarter than a young adult at this thing.
As for your situation, it was similar to mine light drugs, goofing around, common huliganism (crossing private territories, fighting(rarely though) and spray painting - I did abandoned sites only, why destroy normal buildings with lame tags, some of my friends though did normal buildings and i thought it was bad and a waste. Though to be honest it was funny noticing their tags after 5 years while going for a walk with them.)
Girls were on my radar but not often, no major dramatics also. Some of my friends had drama with them (not cheating though, at least it wasn't known). I would never be intimate with my friends girlfriends, like that commentator said and no degree of "teenagers will be teenagers" would ever justify that morally devoid action. I would go as far to say that i would not date my friends ex-girlfriends (in ages of 14-19, maybe if they weren't tight and if our friends group didn't coincide but i've never experienced it, simply thinking what i would do in that age).
Fucking left and right thing, i had aquintances like that (i mixed with a lot of groups) but they were mostly decent guys that just had the game and were easy going. Fucking friends girlfriend wasn't in their mindset, they have game why would they do this?
Only desparate pieces of shit would go and do this and some idiots with idiotic mindset of: conqering women is the priority of any men (had one like that, he could actually fuck his own stepmom if situation allowed). Usually guys with game and who were sorrounded by girl would not cross that line.
Shy and introverted guys if they aren't rats (POS who are too desparate for female attention) have more moral integrity exactly because they are shy and introverted, too much stuff happening in their mind and they understand the consquenes because usually they think before taking action.