On another note, this chapter kinda cracks me up, because "dream logic" in film is totally a thing you can go for - e.g., less Inception and more Mullholland Drive, or Waking Life if you wanna be really on the nose about it. And while this chapter is very obviously going for it with its use of first person, lack of Riku's side of the conversation, unexplained cuts, and exaggerated story elements, it accidentally winds up being less dreamlike than the average chapter of this manga on account of how nonsensical and disjointed and "oooh, mysterious" the narrative presentation always is.
What does it say about your craft when the story that gets told in the too-obvious dream is more linear and makes more sense than the overall plot?
...and wtf Riku, how did you fall asleep LEANING OUT AN Nth STORY WINDOW?!