The reader.Well I'm 80% sure somebody's dieing at the end of this but who's it going to be ?
Agreed, i also notice she is wearing black clothes, but you can also asume it's the costume she want to show riku but can't (and still wearing them)
I am not sure though...
How can he be that calm knowing that your "girlfriend" is far away nowhere to be found ??
Is he cheating on Shizuku or is he gay...
(Not gonna lie, It would be kinda interesting if that happens)
Totally see where you're coming from, but due to confusing editing, you've misunderstood one thing:I mean, everyone knows the writing is shit. But the author really wrote that Takt fell asleep and had a flashback dream while standing at a window sill, right after he was just frantically chasing after Shizuku.
The Japanese are very touchy about getting involved inside someone else's family matters.Him thinking, "It's not my place to ask," to himself basically sums up the entire manga.
On a side note, the author is going so heavy on Yako bait even though the chapters have nothing to do with her. What a bastard.
Is this a manga where the heroines disappear one by one?
The cultural festival ended in an unbelievably rushed summary.
え? うみみとやこの売り上げ勝負とか、わざわざうみみがリクの家に通ってまで作った衣装とかのお披露目とか見せ場がありそうな文化祭がリクの夢オチみたいな感じで終わったんやけど。
Huh? The cultural festival, which seemed like it would have key moments—like Umimi and Yako’s sales competition or the reveal of the outfit Umimi went out of her way to make at Riku’s place—just ended like some kind of ‘it was all a dream’ thing from Riku’s perspective.
What’s going on???
タクトに「雫について何か知ってることある?」ってストレートにきけばよくない?? って思うのは自分だけ?
Am I the only one who thinks it’d be best to just straight-up ask Takt, 'Do you know anything about Shizuku?'
Has Umimi finally broken too?
Now Yako is the only heroine left who isn’t clouded.
Takt casually saying something like 'Shizuku didn’t show up after all' while keeping his true feelings unreadable the whole time is the scariest part.
When did they stop showing the countdown of how many days were left until graduation?
🔥この作家、ここまで読者の視点やニーズとかみ合わないマンガ続けてるの怖くない? わざとこんな、主人公が一切行動も思考もしない、状況だけが一方的に向こうからやってるだけのストーリーマンガもどきを垂れ流しているんだろうか? それとも本人は突っ込みどころがなくストーリーマンガを進めてるつもりなんだろうか? マジで原作つけた方がいい
Isn't it kind of scary how this author keeps making manga that are so out of sync with the readers' perspective and expectations? Are they doing this on purpose—just churning out this so-called story manga where the protagonist neither acts nor thinks, and everything just happens to him? Or do they actually believe they’re progressing the story smoothly without any issues? Seriously, they should get an original story writer.
Say what you will, but everyone who’s actually reading it properly likes it—I’m sure of that.
It feels like once a manga reaches strong sales, editors start enabling rather than guiding.ジで話が全然分からんのやけど担当編集仕事してる?
I seriously don’t understand the story at all—Is the editor even doing his job?
The cultural festival, which seemed like it would have key moments for the two junior heroines, ended with Riku's 'it was all a dream' twist? Seriously, isn’t that way too harsh??
タクトも何考えてんのか分からんし、雫の秘密は謎に伏線はられるだけで中々追求されないし、うみみは最近ずっとこの調子、何もないヤコは出番が少ないし、リクに関してはもうお手上げだろ? 批判せずにどうしろってんだよ
To the people complaining in the comments, seriously, can you tell me what you've actually understood up until now? I honestly have no clue anymore, and I can only empathize with what the people in the comments are saying.
I don’t get what Takt is thinking, Shizuku’s secret is just left with vague foreshadowing and hardly ever gets followed up, Umimi's been like this for a while, Yako, who’s doing nothing, barely gets any screen time, and with Riku... it’s already game over, right? How can anyone not criticize this?
I thought I might have missed about three chapters or something.
Is it bad again this time...?
The author’s portrayal of human emotions is so out of sync with common sense, it’s honestly scary. Shizuku plays the tragic heroine without even revealing her reasons. Riku doesn’t even try to question Shizuku’s seduction. Takt is indifferent to her long absence. Umimi wants to be family more than a lover, but in the end, still wants to be a lover. It’s all so incomprehensible. Wouldn’t it be better if the characters moved more naturally?
There seems to be some misunderstanding, but there are no trolls here. I think the comments section accurately points out the issues.
I can understand why people might feel the need to say a lot, but sometimes it’s only after the story is complete that everything connects and the true appeal comes through.
I’m enjoying it as I read, and I really hope the author keeps going and finishes the story the way they envision.
This guy is cooking次週ーリクが目を覚ましたら4月7日になっていた。アブナイ美少女との「1年間」の2週目がはじまるーよし、このタイムリープでいこう! 今回はもうダメだ! 誰も幸福にならない! やり直そう! な?
次はもう我慢しない! 雫が家にきた最初の時に1発! 校舎裏で青! 目撃したうみみにも口止め1発! ハッスルハッスル! 後のことはヤってから考えよう! な!?
Next week—When Riku wakes up, it’s April 7th again. The second week of the 'one year' with the dangerous beauty begins—Alright, let’s go with this time loop! This time, it’s already a disaster! No one ends up happy! Let’s start over! Right?
Next time, I won’t hold back! The moment Shizuku comes to my house, I’ll do it! Then again behind the school building! And even Umimi, who witnesses it, will be silenced in one shot! Hustle, hustle! I’ll think about the consequences after I’ve done it! Right!?
Should I write the story myself?
よく分からない だけが残る漫画
Somehow, I just don’t get it at all.
This manga leaves me with nothing but confusion.
Him thinking, "It's not my place to ask," to himself basically sums up the entire manga.
I think the original nuance wasn't that it's "not his place/none of his business," but rather that "he's in no position(立場)" to ask, with the implication that it would be just a bit hypocritical of Riku to ask Takt of all people if he was keeping secrets from him about Shizuku. This is, of course, a stupid thing to get fussy about at this point in the game.The Japanese are very touchy about getting involved inside someone else's family matters.
Never. One, "." was a totally appropriate response to this or any chapter. Two, your JP comment highlights are one of my favorite parts of reading this series. You get double Helpfuls instead.@Tony_Mushah @essensue
I fat-fingered Enter while writing the post. Feel free to remove the reactions if you'd like.