Sometimes Even Reality Is a Lie!


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Sep 11, 2019
this is the only manga im reading that doesn't have a MAL page 😔
May 7, 2018
Your assumption is I done like it for what it is. That's wrong. The air-thin plot is horrible. No one expects anything to happen or change in stories like this anyway, but that doesn't excuse the lack of every other aspect of the story. The premise breaks every single atom of common sense a human could have. Why would this guy just go along with this girl. Why would he cross dress. Why would he comply. Why did she ask him to. Just why? That's just 1 illogical page of the first chapter. Before you say some bullshit about how it's fiction therefore it's justifiable, there hasn't been any justification as to why anyone would act like that. It's not common courtesy and the setting is presented as the real world. Mc is an airhead simp and mg an entitled bitch. The dad of kg has literally no personality and the mom is passable at best. There is nothing this story does that's worth a moment of your tine. Even if you are just reading this for the cute moments or whatever, it is inefficient and incompetent at accomplishing that. Because the characters are planks personality wise, there's nothing the relationship offers. There's no reason to read this, even if this was the only teen romance story ever written. You're reading fluff unnecessary adding the manga.
Mar 15, 2019
@dabson It's very obvious that this manga is not for you. You seem to be very cynical and actively looking for flaws in this manga. Yes, I agree that the initial premise of him reluctantly going with the flow and cross-dressing is pretty ridiculous. I also agree that the overprotective dad was not executed very well, except for a gag in the first chapter I guess. However, one thing you should realise is that this is a romance-comedy manga, and every chapter is only around 4 pages long. I'm not sure why you went in expecting amazing character development, realistic personalities etc. Guess what, rom coms generally have very cliched characters, especially since this manga has so little room for development per chapter. Honestly, this manga is actually better than most other romance stories I've read.

You call the MC an "airhead simp". Really? That's not even criticism at this point, just mindless hate based on your prejudice that this manga is bad. Which is what I see in a lot of your review of this manga, but I digress. You say the main love interest is an "entitled bitch". Did you even read the manga? Yes, a lot of the early chapters was her asking the MC to do stuff with her. Is that really so entitled? And even if you consider that entitled, guess what, the author made her realise her faults and fix it, portrayed in a manner that is pretty close to what I think an actual teenager in that situation would feel. Also, at least she doesn't get angry at the MC for stupid reasons like other stories. Like, I have absolutely no trust in you so if you accidentally touch me you must be a pervert retard. And I won't even apologise for hitting you and scolding you when it wasn't even your fault. Now that would be considered a "bitch".

Edit: Actually, I wonder why you call our MC a "simp" in the first place. Is our society really so sad that treating a woman with respect is considered white knighting? There has not even been a sign of our characters being aware that they are starting to like the other. But sure, I guess our MC is trying to get into her pants lol.
May 7, 2018
I never mentioned character development. Surprisingly enough, good character work and character development are not the same. Never said realistic personalities. I expected them to have common sense, however, Which they absolutely didn't have. I also don't care if their characters are cliches; they can be well done or poorly done, and we find quality in that. It was done horridly here. I don't care about the excuse, the characters are one dimensional and lack any coherent ambition or motive. They're boring in that they experience the emotions, at most. They don't have any unique, identifiable traits but playing a Fucking video game. I'm scared to read what you've read.

I called him airhead simp because he is one. My criticism isn't perfect, obviously. I don't have the time or patience to write an actual analysis of this trash. Even less so on mangadex using my phone. Also, this isn't a review, it's a response. What manga are you reading? Her realizing her faults wasn't done in a remotely realistic way. She is consistently entitled. She coerced my into cross dressing, meeting her parents and wasting huge chunks of his day just so she can get away with lying to her mum. That's the definition of entitled. Again, this is just the first chapter. Also, it isn't nearly close to "an actual teenager". Also, your explanation of a bitch is an abuser. Doesn't matter. Stop trying to devalue the insult I gave to the bitch.

Also, his simpery isnt because right him treating a women with respect. It's cause he adheres to her every whim. The definition of a simp is someone who puts women on a pedestal, which he does.
Mar 15, 2019
@dabson Dude, how can you have such a twisted worldview? How exactly does going along with everything she says equate to putting her on a pedestal? Like just replace Nanami here with a dude and you will see how your argument doesn't make the slightest sense. Putting her on a pedestal would be like him going out of his way to treat her better than he would normally treat others. Honestly, I wouldn't consider that a simp either, isn't it normal to want to treat people closer to you better??? Even if it means doing stuff that you wouldn't normally do. I think the only valid use of simp is on "niceguys" that treat women nicely and expect them to fall in love.

Well I digressed a bit there so let's talk about your claim that the characters are one dimensional and lack any ambitions or motivations. I mean, what? Let me explain a few things to you. The MC's tendency to go along with anything she does can be explained by one simple fact (plus the fact that it isn't strange to go along with your friend's suggestions),
dude lives alone without his parents, and from what I can tell his mum probably died when he was quite young.
Imagine what it feels like to go through that. Wouldn't you be unbearably lonely and seek affection? Same with Nanami. She never had a friend up till now, and for both of them, it's implied to be their first love.

Again, I'm not claiming that this manga is perfect or anything, in fact I agree that the cross dressing premise is kind of far fetched. However, you should keep in mind that it's just a gag, and if you don't find the ridiculous situatiom he was in entertaining then well, this manga isn't for you. I don't think there's a need to be so offended by this manga. Yes, it has it's flaws, but it wouldn't have such a high rating if it was actually as atrocious as you say it is. Next time, give an actual argument backed up with facts at least.
May 7, 2018
If he did that to a man, I'd still call him a simp. In chapter one, she's a girl he Just met and he goes out of his way to adhere to her demands of cross dressing and meeting her parents. I'm not going by your definition. I'm going by my definition. He's putting a woman on a pedestal and heeding her every request.

You really got all that from a singular panel of a shrine of a woman who we don't even know. He never shows any emotion related to loss. By that logic every tragic backstory instantly makes a character infinitely complex. You must think Elfen lied is a masterpiece. Unfortunately, that's wrong on a fundamental level. Backstories rarely make a boring character interesting. They rarely take trash and turn it into gold. One panel of backstory doesn't change a thing about the character. Even if the odds were overwhelmingly in your favor, you'd still be wrong. Same goes for Mrs bitch here. Having no friends means nothing when nothing is done with it.

Ratings kinda dont matter. Analysis does. If the opinions of the mass were what defined anything as good or bad instead of the competency of the argument, tons and tons of tragedies would be justifiable and science immutable.

I find it funny you try to claim my argument was anything but factual. I never made claims about how much I liked or disliked it. Only claims about it.

Your constant need to dodge my criticism is unnecessary; if you like the story, keep reading it. No need to reply inadequately. If you feel the constant need to validate your likes and dislikes, you will face a tough time in the real world.
Aug 21, 2018


tl;dr just the beginning sentences tells me you take everything in this manga too literal.

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