Sometimes Even Reality Is a Lie!

Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2019
They didn't need to crossdress him but doing it made the series ven better tbh...
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 5, 2020
If you get past the crossdressing then it's actually really good. I'm not a big fan of crossdressing but Im going to continue to read this. Also, alot of the crossdressing is meant to be humorous and to advance the plot so I don't mind it very much.
Aug 21, 2018

>gamer girl bath water
>Only fans
>All of the other degenerate shit

letting women take advantage of capitalism and lonely men while sexualizing everything they touch was a big mistake
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
agree but dislike the wording though
makes it seem as if capitalism isnt responsible in some way for this
this is capitalism at its finest which also includes
war profiteering
smithfield's food (you should look into it, its glorious)
money is free speech
somethin somethin somethin
can't have your cake and eat it to (if thats what you were doing at least)
Aug 21, 2018

Capitalism? Alright system.

The late stage though? It's just a bunch of greed, corruption, etc.

Everyone's stepping over each other for fame, money, power.

I don't want communism either, better dead than red as the saying goes. But it's not like there are good points in it too.

I don't want to get too much into it but We've privatized america to shit.
Feb 9, 2020

Capitalism is a terrible system. Rich get richer because they are rich, poor get poorer because they are poor. War is expensive and causes trade sanctions, so only start one over oil or other expensive resources. Kids get brainwashed early with media and ads that money = power = success = happy life.

We have seen often enough that communism does not work; right now the USA is showing that pure capitalism does not work either.

Problem is: What is a better system? Capitalism is simply the system that is least worse so far...

Just like democracy is not a good form of government, but simply the least terrible: If you go around on the street and ask people what and why they are voting for you get absolutely stupid answers, like "My parents voted for that party, so I do too.", "I have always voted for that party", "I always try to vote for the winning party". A SIGNIFICANT amount of people are easily swayed or misinformed, too, making control of the media essential if you want to secure your power (see Turkey, Russia, China) and social media dangerously important (say, Twitter were to require tweets of a certain like-count to be fact checked, then Trump would not have such an easy game). Still, there are no real world alternatives or well thought out concepts that are better or fairer than a democracy.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
@smolbaka you don't have to choose between capitalism and communism lol
but i feel you man
the late stage crony capitalism feels
and the damage its done to the male brain, we're slave to gamer girls
ill probably buy one tomorrow, i no longer believe in my own autonomy
Aug 21, 2018

Maybe this is why there is no aliens. All life got stuck on economic systems and killed each other over it.


I see a bunch of bootlickers for both sides. It's a little amusing to see how narrow minded they are, following a belief and system like cattle. In the end it's just pitiful. We can't get anywhere with these people thinking they're so right.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
funny enough our glorious founding fathers were against political parties and religion for this very reason
and in our infinite wisdom we started picking and choosing sides
Active member
Aug 19, 2020
Even if God is against this crossdressing guy, he should come forward with himself. He's a guy but he's not happy being a guy. Some people are born this way and I'm sure if he prays enough, Jesus will still love him despite his sin.
We build happiness ourselves and Jesus is all about love and forgivness.

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