TIL that in english, the traditional, dictionary definition of violence is limited to the physical aspect.
Also, the long exchange of walls of text full of "no u" and other forms of refusing to actually enter a dialogue with the other party in the previous pages is the biggest case of cringe I witnessed in a while. Pretty impressive tbh.
What the fuck did I just read.. I just wanted to see what the comments were saying about Chapter 1.. I haven't even read the damn manga yet but someone's popping off about how a translator fucked up a translation when the raws literally use a term that's used commonly?
Holy shit man, ya'll are crazy as fuck.. that's literally a single speech bubble on a single panel, no need for a giant debate..
But for real - Manga worth reading aside from the crazy hardcore debate over that one speech bubble and a term a fictional character in a fictional setting, drawn and had their thoughts/speech provided by someone drawing it/writing it?
At first I kinda agreed with MC. "Nah, it's not really domestic violence, they just have a quirky house rule." Then Kazumi (the wife) goes on to demonstrate that if it was debatable whether it was domestic violence or not, it now definitely is lol.
The original comment has since been marked for spoilers but you quoting them still has the comment unmarked, rip. And you can't edit it now since it's been to long, double rip.