Sorry, we did not create the file and I had to edit several things that were wrong hahaha xdLmao i was wondering how this wasnt a harem and it gets tagged that while im reading 😭
Many thanks for your TL services!These 62 pages completely drained us, and we have no energy left for the second chapter.
Pretty much my thoughts, it COULD be nice, for me the bar is so low that I was surprised the guy wasn't denying liking those girls, but this harem is looking very crowded, I'll read the second chapter, yeah, but then I will just ignore it until the next XBOX comes out.What are the odds that they will all meet again at the same university... says no one. The art caught my eyes & at the same time, the characters are all college age. Now it might be wishful thinking but I do hope they a bit more mature than what you see in a high school setting. It can't be that hard but Meguru doesn't seem like another Kazuya from Kanokari (then again that is a low bar). Anyways this has a follow from me so thank you for the translations.