@Tatsuya-Kai Seems reasonable, japanese mythology didnt have the Kobold (tho there may be similar creatures with other names I guess), so it makes sense that it just comes from somewhere else. It is the same with other races, Orcs seem to be mostly Pig-men in japanese stuff, while they look more like sort of babaric humans with tusks in western depictions. (Even Elves sometimes, i dont think i have seen the hanging-ear elf in western depictions, its always the straight pointy ear, but in japanese depictions it differs between that and the pointy ones that go to the sides and look a bit hanging down

I looked into the DnD thing a bit, and in Version 1 they were more like Goblins, which would indeed set them not too far from the real mythological background, but with a dog-like face, which would funnily place it on DnD (maybe like orcs as pig-faced, which is also a thing of early DnD), since the 1st Edition is a good bit older than Wizardry, but that in turn older then the DnD version in which Kobolds became relatives of the dragons