@SPTCoyote To be honest, I disagree about the "ussss" because I can easily read it as "us" whereas "uuuuus" doesn't scan to me as anything at first. Also, since there isn't really literary precedent for this kind of thing, I'll look to usage on the internet: it's really common to elongate a word by repeating the last consonant even if that wouldn't make literal sense to pronounce it that way. Take for example a begrudging "alrightttt." Out loud I'd read that as "alriiight." Normally I'd write an elongated "alright" like the second one, but the "us" is an exception because of how weird it is to write out "uuuus."
You know, I generally agree about curse words in shounen scanlations, but Youji is just SUCH a huge prick, you feel me?