Sousei no Taiga - Vol. 7 Ch. 56 - Remorse

Feb 22, 2018
@Dr_Harnsaft of course, its just that seemed like you applied modern morals to the "killing all humans" part but not to the "Let's rape some chicks while we're at it" part.
PS: this is the internet so I just want to make sure I'm not being unintentionally a big asshole, I wasn't trying to moralize or virtual signal of anything is just that, the way you wrote, that could have been a possible interpretation and since I'm procrastinating hard instead of studying for the test I have in 1 hour and 15 minutes, I just impulsively asked

@Arkhell IDK man... I would argue we definitely do a AT LEAST a "little better"
Jul 15, 2019
@Dabaha I'd say it's pretty fair to apply modern morals to the time travelling king of the Neandethals given that he comes from modern times, could cut him some slack for being in that survival situation and savage wilderness but if he raped captives like his men that'd be a valid point to judge him for since that isn't vital for survival.
Active member
Sep 26, 2019
Umm I was okay with the rape and the murder and killing kids, but racism? Let's not go too far people.
Mar 13, 2018
"Gumpa! Whyte neanderman best species. Whyte neanderman follow Hitler up in far north! Wear whyte hood and cross-burn! Me imler. You?"

@breizh Yes, Hitler’s bunker did work like the cave they went in. They'll be fighting neander-nazis soon.
Feb 22, 2018
@Dr_Harnsaft actually, this is completely besides the point but, I don't really think it is fair, modern morals weren't really thought up for a situation like that, I mean even all the rape, what would happen if the neanderthal king decide to try to convince them note to rape? he would get fucked up... and since he is probably the only person who can even understand the concept of morality, morality itself becomes kinda useless... poor guy... he might not even be a neanderthal he might just be a swedish blonde guy or something...
Jul 15, 2019
Agree, can't expect him to get some savages to stop being savages. But if he himself decided to rape captives you could judge him for it.
Mar 31, 2019
Came here to see if the snowflakes crawled out to say how offended they are by this fictional racism.

Am not disappointed!
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2020
Hmm. This is interesting, definitely shows foul play involved with the introduction of this 'New King'.

To go on what glasses guy was talking about, Homo Sapiens over taking Neanderthals, context is needed. Homo Sapiens won the game not by being out right better than Neanderthals in the short term, but by the long run. Neanderthals were stronger, faster, and most likely smarter (bigger brain case for evidence). In a world where there was true Mega Fauna around every corner, they had the best biology amongst humans to deal with it. And it showed in their group structures, which were generally a handful of close family members. Homo Sapiens, by comparison, formed much larger groups simply because they were weaker. Their greatest invention, the alatl, was the result of necessity forcing them to create a tool that would let them hunt big animals without having to get close to them. But even then, the Neanderthals got along just fine if not better...and then big animals start disappearing in an ever changing world. Being able to survive on smaller kills because you weren't so robust was efficient. Being able to form larger groups was very helpful when combating cousins. And honestly, fighting a few Jocks who're running on fumes as an army of well kept normie is not unfeasible.

However, that didn't stop Neanderthals for continuing to exist via their hybrid descendents. Which would be my only issue with this 'New King', why wipe out Homo Sapiens? They are energy efficient if but a little weaker and dumber, they have comparatively good social structures that allow for creating greater societies, and even if you interbreed with them a little the genes of these hybrids father typically stand out more as the children are just going to create more children with other Neanderthals.

I'm not going to be jaded into thinking 'muh racism', you can just see the low hanging fruit and that's a little stupid. But I get the feeling this is going to be one of those "Humans Bad, we need to be about Nature and the Environment y'all".
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2020

I could get behind that, would be a better twist than some modern day shelter kid trying to save the environment by wiping out humans.
Dex-chan lover
May 24, 2018
So yeah, it's pretty clear the new king is also a time traveler...
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 23, 2020
Obviously despise the concept but genocidal rape was a war tactic to instill terror into the civilian population and used too dislocate them from their property. That said this Is genocide between two types of humans.
May 1, 2020
Looks like the guy who predicted a neanderthal time-traveller a couple of chapters ago might have been right

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