@JacquesArgest Sure it's a great foil for some things have changed and some things don't, but out of every trope to impart that message this one is so heavy-handed it's just flat out strange. Imagine this author imparting the opposite idea with their style and think about what a missed opportunity it could've been. If the author wanted to show how some things never change, it would've been more in line with the flow of the journey between the group to include a concept/feeling being unchanging. The only purpose of doing this, so far as the spotlight entails, is to pull off some cheap isekai plotline where the MC is super op and hiding her true power. To rebuttal and conclude, I think that if it was writing to show how some things never change, the plotline should've been more focused on cruelty and malice by the demons instead of Frieren just obliterating them all and battle shenanigans by the other two. I definitely think this manga is great, but this one part irks me.