Spotted Flower


Mar 23, 2018
I'm a big fan of genshiken and this is a good read.

Its really interesting to consider the mental gymnastics of a frail-minded otaku. A lot of people are turned off with the cheating scene but I don't think it was that big a deal. It was always on Mada's mind in Genshiken and I don't think its beyond the capacity of his character to consider and act upon the impulse; he just needed some malicious thoughts for the push. You can't help but feel bad for her and I'm interested in seeing how it develops, regardless of a tragedy or not.

As for Hato having tits and having a penis, I don't think its beyond the reach of an alternate reality where Hato is gender dysphoric.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2018
K this started out funny and kinda sexy but the whole shit at the end here pisses me off so much
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 23, 2020
It's been two years since I read this horrible thing (though first chapters are good) and I never harboured such hatred towards a character. And yet here I am looking for update, looks like translators are traumatised too after that awful chapter that they don't touch this series anymore.
Apr 26, 2020
guys guys i get here is cheating but is that really a reason to not continue this .... there are multiple stories with cheating or ntr and what is the difference this is pretty low the bar compared to others... plus just realize that wasn't the end. did the author just end it there with no happy ending... just stop and wait.
Dec 15, 2019
Is it completed? Hiatus? I need to know how this ends.
I don't hate the character for cheating what I hate ( dislike ) is how he treats his wife. His insecurities & self esteem has prevented him from loving his wife & has affected his marriage that at this point its onesided.

It's not bad that some men are put off by the pregnancy of their loved ones, but in this case he hardly makes any movements or any attempts to talk to her about it or find alternatives to help both ends. In most cases it's the wife who tries and broach the subject, and he tentatively agrees wanting to avoid the subject but i don't think he was that put off because if he was she would have forced the topic and her attempts wouldn't have been that enthusiastic. Heck, at some point he agrees but in the end it's very anti-climatic because in the end he only fulfills his own satisfaction leaving his wife hanging.
I was starting to think things would've gotten better when he acknowledged that he hasn't been the best when his wife in extreme measures went as far as too set up various "traps" to get him in the mood and even went as far as to do something she doesn't like just to get her husbands affections. But it kind of digressed when he saw his wife and ex (who is a friend chatting ) together.
Lets be honest, the problem wasn't the pregnancy. Sure he was scared that he might hurt her but the problem began long before then. Small clues, and random conversations that at first was dismissive turn to the heart of the manner and the reason that he in turn cheated on his wife.
I feel sad for the wife, she's really trying but even she gets emotionally tired. :/

I really want to know how this ends.
Aug 17, 2019
this is just traumatizing, no no no hell nooo. [i'm commenting for those who are here hoping to read some cute, funny, and happy manga that will make you feel good and all] but.... IT IS NOT! this is devastating, one of the worst i have ever read and remind me of born to die. well i warn you... there is a reason why people stop translating
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
I really want to know how this continues, i won't diminish what happened but i am really interested in knowing how things develop from here.

I want to see why the author made something like this happen and what he will do after.

........ I understand the hate but... i like this even after, so hoping that someone picks this up.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
So i looked at translations in other languages and have to say the development is a little different than most would think, what the author pulled annoyed people rightfully so... but i feel that 2 years after the flames of hate have been born they should giving in, this still is something good and with potential.

I will hold my hope to read this one day in a language i can understand better and if you can find in yourself to power through the fact that so many people hating i can assure this deserves a read.

But i do warn that the thing that everyone talks about does take much of someone, even me, and i have to say i am quite thick-skinned but i am still because i feel this deserves another chance, because we have here some interesting relationships with some of our beloved characters.

And most of all... dont think this as a continuation of Genshiken, i think it is an AU even if the author keeps saying that they arent the same characters ( which is ridiculous with they literaly having the same faces and past ) but it is best to look at this as its own thing, for better or worst.
Sep 13, 2020
Good story, but why did they stop translating it??? this shit is so good ! (did they actually rage quit? LOL)
Jun 18, 2019
Don't really understand why people are using the argument of "the cheating part isn't really bad" or any of that. Cheating is cheating. Now idk if this is part of another series or not, but regardless, that was extremely fucked up. I would understand not wanting to do anything too intense in case she gets hurt or something, but I don't really even think that was the case at all. I understand it could make the series interesting, hell I'm curious on how this would recover after that, however for now, i feel sorry for anyone who wasted their time reading this. My opinion of course, no one has to agree with me.

I understand not wanting to do anything intense so that she doesn't get hurt or simply being turned off from her being pregnant and such. It's a matter of taste and I don't have a problem with that portion, some people are okay with it, some people aren't, that's fair. What I dislike is the lack of communication, I do agree that the amount of desperation the wife goes to can be a bit extreme sometimes, but oh well, she's trying her best and yet the guy can't sit down with her and talk about it, actually he is quite dismissive of the whole thing. You can see him just blatantly saying her stomach is too big and like just looking away and that's about it.

Look, I can see him getting jealous over his wife's ex coming over and shit, but the guy literally came over to say congratulations and even cheer the guy on (which he admits). But cheating on your wife when she did nothing wrong, and is also recovering from giving birth to a kid? Like hello? I don't really care if it's not a big deal in the manga world anymore, ya gotta remember, he cheated on his wife after she just gave birth and screwed another chick (presumably) out of the jealousy of his wife's ex visiting her in the hospital. It's not like she done kissed the guy or anything, she didn't do anything.

She tried to get some affection from him before the baby was born cause she knew there would be less time for that. She reassured him that he was not the person he used to be, and that he has grown, being a husband and a future father as well. Accepted and tried to understand his otaku ways, and was even okay with him getting it off to 2D anime girls (and even traps). Tried to get him excited in different ways that could overlook her large belly and even satisfied some of his kinks for some affection but she didn't get any.

I don't know in what realm would it be an "understandable have a nice day" scenario with that. His wife literally didn't do anything, so how can he justify cheating on her? Also, pretty sure that Mangaka girl who was drooling over a married man with a pregnant wife said he wouldn't do anything because he is spineless. The guy looked pretty tempted and turned on to me everytime he saw her.

I won't say that the Mangaka should burn in a fire or anything, this is their story and how they want to convert whatever message their trying to relay to readers. Hell, there could be some le epic backlash that comes to smack the dude in the face. I won't deny that the manga could end up being great, cause it can very well be, however it doesn't sit right with me, because no matter how much development is made, what is done cannot be undone. Cheating is never okay, at least to me it cannot be forgiven, the amount of trust broken in a marriage after one party cheats is not something easily brushed off.
Group Leader
Jul 13, 2018
I have to admit that not-Hato's entire existence is confusing for me. This was a cute story at the beginning but it feels like some cheap soap opera now, only more fucked up. I feel so bad for not-Saki.

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