The "Floor796" make a hommage to series, check here -,287,267
What we learnt in this chapter:
1) Anya's mother was also a mind-reader and they were probably subjecs of an experiment.
2) Loid is seriously looking for people with mind-reading abilities. A brief mention of it cought his attention towards Yor until she clerified herself.
*) The plot needs a serious tempo because neither we readers or the characters still don't know many things. I hope we will get a satisfying arc next.
1) There is a possibility, but that "ends" the argument that Anya is the result of an experiment. Endo joked about the aliens, but as I said in the other comment, it was probably something to associate with Melinda's belief in paranormality. Anya's mother being paranormal would be interesting, but the point is that Anya is the result of experimentation that generated paranormality. Of course, this is not something that Endo put deeply into the script, but it is what I said about the alien case: putting something beyond the normal in a story that has weights of plausibility (since Spy x Family IS a war story), takes the story to another level. The point is to think about whether the story would get tangled up with the entry about Anya's mother or if it would unfold later.
2) Yes, Loid now wonders about paranormality. And I have no doubt that at some point (even if it's accidental and humorous, which is always the plot in the story) Loid will realize Anya's abilities, will remember her history and with that probably one of the main pieces of the story will shine and make it part of the first big climax. Apart from Anya and Bond, it's hard to think if there's another character who would make the connection. There's the recent professor from Berlint and his wife, the Forgers' neighbor.. There's a chance that he will also "throw a green light" to signal to Loid the possibilities about the paranormal.