Man I love this story.
Man I hate manga plus.
Double-wides are poorly scaled, can't be resized. The site is clunky. The next chapter links commonly jump around. This one had chapter 3 lead directly to chapter 10, only way to fix it is to go to the main site and search for the manga then select the correct chapter.... Or come back here and do the same thing. (I've seen two other titles on their site and both did the same thing, but one of those two jumped backwards from 7 to 3.)
Nevermind I see that the legit don't have 4 thru 9.
Daamit, now I look like a liar.
Edit again. Looks like manga plus did have 4 to 9, but pulled them for some reason. Reddit r/manga has posts linking to the removed chapters as little as 4 months ago...