series is fun but weird, to the point you might forget/overlook that, in spite of her apparent lack of yandere-ness, Junko's mama can't be that normal (read as: sane) either given what she tolerates from her family while maintaining that level of calm
i wonder if the yandere trait is genetic
does that mean yan-boi has yandere parents? or is the yandere trait something you learn? since the girls grew up in a household where killing for love is common sense?
if so where did yan-boi learn killing for love is ok?
they cant just be psychopaths i dont think, dad cares deeply for his daughters..
i dont know, what i do know is that this is fun to read
@InsaneInsomniac: She exhibited an eerie blank, pupil-less look in her eyes when she told Junko about Kiyoshi being released. The same kind that the twins exhibit in their yandere mode, and similar to the ones Junko exhibits in her own (only hers have pupils, and occasionally glow).