suggestion for april fools :rejected:

Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
As we are always plagued by annoyances (aka fake chapters) during aprils fools, and said day will occur in just over 5 hours (at time of posting), maybe I give the suggestion of banning april fools etirely? With a large banner at the top of the site so noone does not notice while submitting a chapter.
Preferably with heavy punishments.

As an added bonus, the day after another banner can be put up saying it was an april fools joke. And better yet, the bans for anyone who posted an april fools joke can remain despite that!
Jan 18, 2018
They have already confirmed they will have april fools every year. As such much better would be "unfool me" option in settings that would hide any april fools chapters (requiring uploaders to tick a box for a hidden tag/whatever that it can go by), but that will probably happen neither.
Jan 19, 2018
Not everyone HATES april fools like you. I quite enjoy these ads and troll chapters so I have to disagree with your suggestion.
Aug 8, 2018
Don't mind the joke ads on the site. Can't stand the BS chapters.
Feel sorry for mods of release sites. Many of them get swamped afterwards searching through to remove all of them from the listings (part of why mangaupdates is so strict on not doing it at all).

Plus most of the crap is like the fake ch 111 for solo leveling that's up.
Feb 7, 2018
much better would be "unfool me" option in settings that would hide any april fools chapters
Extend this to the "ads" on the site. Having a gigantic image take up a chunk of the screen while browsing the site gets old after the first few pages.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@sterven I dont hate april fools, like the ads are nice. The issue to me are the shitposts that appear in the chapter-lists.

Though I do have to admit I hate any april fools joke up-until the start of (and after the end of) april 1st (so mars 31:st, and april 2:nd, gmt+0). Far too many people turn the 24-hour event into an 48 hours - or even 72 - annoyance. Almost like they never even heard of the international treaty that locks april fools to gmt+0
That turns even harmless jokes I would otherwise find amusing, into annoyances that makes me grumpy.
Jan 18, 2018
@SavingPrivateRightHand If you use ublock origin (not sure about other adblockers) you can add go to the "my filters" page and add this line: "||*$image", without the quotation marks, and remember to click apply changes. It will hide all the adds.

EDIT: What I meant by not sure, I'm sure most of the adblockers will have a filter, but whether they have the exact same syntax, is not so certain.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 26, 2018
MD's rule allows troll releases on specifically april fools so what's wrong with it? I'm sure the chapters will be deleted soon as the date ends so just bear it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@MavB My real issue lies in that they are posted outside the 24-hour slot that is april fools. And often remain past it too.

But since you asked, yeah there are many issues with the april fools chapters themselves. Aside from most of them (there are a few gems tho) just being annoying shitposts (lets not even mention the ones with spoilers), the fact that they aren't clearly tagged as such is an issue. Both because it makes it not apparent to the reader, but mostly because it messes up the notifications, spamming the user with new chapters where most turns out to not be a real one. As you might guess, this both buries legit chapters, and is an annoyance that only sows negative feelings.
It also becomes a huge issue during the cleanup the days afterwards (sometimes reaching months in). Every year I keep getting a trickle of mangas where I find out I missed a chapter because a troll chapter had been released first, and then switched with a real one.
And the list of issues goes on, but I cba to type it all out, so I will trust that you actually have encountered such a mountain of april-fools induced minor inconveniences too, but are more tolerant towards inconveniences.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 26, 2018
@feha I'm agree with the annoying of people not cleaning their own mess after the party so in a sense they should be punished at that but outside of that, meh. It's a once per year chance to let them let loose, MD allows it that's the point.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 12, 2018
Prob 95% of "troll" releases do get cleaned up on april 3rd. And get put into a specific manga title. Heres this years where theyll eventually be.

And heres where they put all the Ads from last years April Fools

Basically You should have had about 15+ years of being on the internet. By now you should have learned three things. How to bypass porn filters, How to send a professional email, And how to read a god damn calendar so you dont believe anything that happens the same time EVERY YEAR. Or just learn to factcheck things yourself without going down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole... Like JFK KILLED PRINCESS DIANA AFTER HE FAKED HIS OWN DEATH TO AVOID THE LIZARD PEOPLE WHO RUN AREA 51!!!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@blakyawgdom I don't think anyone actually ever believed any of the ones posted on this site (actually revise that, there was that one exception I saw, once), but that is not what the thread is about. I posted it before the date-change exactly for the reason that its not me being angry after being fooled, but because I from my 15+ years on the internet knew ahead-of-time that it was coming and that its always a huge inconvenience that doubles as a hassle.
Jan 18, 2018
I would love an april fool's opt out option.

it was funny when i first discovered the internet about 25+ years ago.

Now it's annoying to me to have websites i frequently visit post information that may or may not be real and waste my time, fake chapters of series i've waited weeks for an update to show up and amout to a haha gotcha... I find it's the humour version of the videogame jump scare: very little to no buildup and an empty feeling afterwards.

And skipping April 1 may mean actually accidentally skipping a seriously made chapter on a series I care for.

If it wouldn't be funny on September 9th, it doesn't somehow make it funny on April's unspoken carte blanche. I just want to opt out of it, so I can check my list to see if there are updates and read those ones.

That way as an opt out instead of a ban, old grumpos like me can be free of the shenanigans and people who legitimately enjoy it are free to enjoy it.

I don't want you to not have your fun, I just don't want to get caught up in it because it's not fun to me.
Jan 24, 2018
Get rid of joke sub. Wtf do I have to waste my time with this BS on my day off??? I have to work all week too have one day to catch up and this... Thanks md. Thanks. I might die from Corona but I'm so glad I wasted the last hour expecting something different
Apr 25, 2019
I agree completely with @Oxybe. This day became stale and annoying a long time ago for me and if there was an account setting that let me be free of it, I would be grateful.

To the people saying "MD allows it, so it must be fine": that is textbook circular logic. The fact that something is allowed does not in itself justify being allowed. I disagree with OP's call for a complete ban (preferring an opt-out system), but I would hope that those of you in favor of joke chapters and the like could at least present a reasonable defense of them.

To the people saying "You're just upset because you fell for it": Yes, that is the point! We came looking for story or character progression and entertainment and instead we had our time wasted. Are you so lacking in empathy that you can't appreciate that some of us just want what is advertised? I can appreciate that tagging joke chapters might ruin the surprise for those of you that like joke chapters, so I hope you can at least accept an opt-out system would be reasonable compromise.

@Theteresu's concept of having uploaders use a hidden-to-user checkmark to identify joke chapters would also help with the clean up issue, since joke chapters would be clearly identified in the database.
Double-page supporter
Mar 20, 2019
Got a better idea. Turn the CSS into something straight out of Marvel/DC. Keeps the mangas intact while keeping april fools in order.
Dec 31, 2019

This idea is extra ironic, considering the western comic book market is imploding right now, and one of the common scapegoats is, you guess it, manga.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Why have an option to hide troll chapters? The point of them is to fuck with people with no consent. It's fucking rape day. It ain't rape if you have the option to opt out of it.

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