Suggestion: R-18 instead of Hentai

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
... thought R-18 was the same as hentai but ok... argue over semantics I guess :/
Arguing over semantics is the one of only things weebs do on this site.
Funny story, back in v1, it was called R-18. We switched it to hentai for some reason.
"Reversed. Reverse back. Snip Snap Snip Snap Snip Snap. You have no idea the physical toll three vasectomies have on a person!"
*fancy accent* Our term of "hentai" is simply too sophisticated for these inferior normies such that we have to descend down to their level. They call it... "R-18" bleh.
To be honest, this is how I visualize most people hating on isekai unironically sound like.
Sumimasen? Omae want to say bokutachi the true blood of nihonjin who calls porn manga as ero manga and tag it into R-18 are inferior of tada no weebs na omae? Omae bucchi korosuzo. (I hope this is how true weeb rant looks like)
These kind of debates never end no matter how great the end solution is.
No debate ends on the internet.
I don't follow. Would using the word "R18" would really subject it to the same regulations and requirements as the official legal standards? We'd just be using the existing system as inspiration, we wouldn't be actually using it. Or are you saying that the label "R18" is sort of like the thing with the red cross?
Here's a way to make everyone happy. Just name it "rib" in capital letters so far sighted weebs will see it as R18 and we won't get in legal trouble
The hentai-toggle wasn't introduced just to circumvent countries with censorship laws; cordoning off hentai is also for those users who just don't want to see porn in general. A product of early discussions on whether the site should have hentai at all (e.g. ), no?
Mother of Odin, I didn't realize how much I miss that site layout and color scheme.

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