Holy shit dude. You totally missed the train here.
>"This could have been solved so easily if Yohan didn't say the line that started it all."
How about the sniper asked if Lonelyboy scans have dropped the manhwa first before translating it? Wouldn't that be better?
>"Sulking like a 5 year old is more likely to fit within Yohan's approach on the Sniper"
TIL that being angry when someone wasted your efforts is sulking. Lol. The sniper literally told the whole world about those "private" message, acted like he was the one in the right and afterward decided to delete the chapters and acted like he's the hero that saved this manhwa. Compare that with what the group did and tell me which one sounds more stupid.
>"they were of much better quality than Lonely Boy Scans chapters"
Everyone says this shit but what exactly is better? The translation is the same and the typesetting doesn't hinder you from reading the manhwa right? Hell, they even advertised that they need a typesetter. Maybe the sniper should've asked about that first huh?
>"without the need of the creator's blessing"
Yet Lonelyboy scans still went that extra mile to avoid any legal issues. This just show how scummy the sniper is.
>"Suffice to say, the translation community has lost one good translator member"
Lost because he himself decide to sulk like a 5 year old? And Lonelyboy scans did ask him to join the team and guess what his answer is?
>"Sniping chapters should be encouraged for the right reasons"
But there is no right reason here. The translation quality is the same. Even the so called better typesetting is barely noticeable at most. So why support it?
Like come on dude. Not trying to pick a fight or anything man. Just acknowledging the facts here. Stop supporting sniping of good manga with dedicated and good translation team unless they have publicly dropped it or totally behind raws. Even then we should consider their feelings and asked them first regarding the status of the translation. You're just as immature as the sniper if you fail to recognize this fact.