Sultan's Love - Ch. 13

Nov 3, 2020
I skimmed through the chapter because I was so irritated at how gullible Saye is that I don't really care to read much. Though I do appreciate the scanlator group for uploading ofc. Just feeling really annoyed at Saye.
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Apr 23, 2020
I had a feeling Kainer had a 'shadow' following Saye or he, himself was following her cuz I didn't think the author would do a 'kidnap arc' this early lol

Loved the end comments, lmaooo you should've called it the "Sejanne Witch hunt corner" -- I agreed with with everything. Thanks for the double update!!♡
Mar 9, 2019
Me reading this on my bed quietly but deep inside I'm screaming and rolling on my pillow hahaha

Kainer is so handsome with the arrow. 😍

Thanks guys for the double update! 😘😘
Jul 29, 2020
That biotch Sejanne... it would do them good if Kainer were to hang all their bodies outside the walls, but the stink would be awful.

I still want all these bitches and bastards dead for hurting Saye.
Let her be naive and not ruin what is left of her pls. Let her live
Jun 4, 2018
I'm in pain.

I know this is a fictional story but taking an Empire, such as the Ottoman Empire, and making a story out it, I would feel like getting the little details is important. (1) "Nobles" of the empire did not send their daughters to entertain the Sultan. A Sultan was not allowed to favor one of his "nobles" more than the others. (2) The Sultan did not "marry" anyone outside the harem. So, no fiancée. I say the term marry loosely because most Sultans didn't marry, they have a Harem. Why would they need to marry?

The same can be said for a prince of the Ottoman Empire, they had a harem of their own, small one, but still they had a harem. So no fiancée here either.

The only that is close to accurate is the way the FL is acting, keyword close. When a girl is brought into the harem, they were typically taken at an age before puberty begins for them. Also they come into the palace naive and scared. They are dumb, illiterate, and from a peasant background with no primary or secondary education. Everything they learned was decided by the the Sultan and/or the Head of the Harem (usually Valide Sultan--the Sultan's mother). The most popular subject they were taught were writing, sewing, poetry and dancing. That's it. Everything else, such being able to manipulate and deceive others they [the concubines] taught themselves in order to survive in the Harem. The female hierarchy followed the pattern of odalisques (virgins), concubines ("one night stands"), ikbals (favorites), and kadins (favorites "wives").

Honestly, with the way the FL acts, I'm surprised she is still even alive, even if she led a quiet life far away from the Harem (it's a do or die life after all). If she lived that quietly, she could have still been chosen as a servant to someone else in Harem, such as a favorite, a caretaker (not nursemaid) of a royal child, or a servant to the Valide Sultan.

And when other people in the comments talk about "this is another Stockholm Syndrome story" in a sense it is. Being brought to a palace at a young age and basically being taught that your only purpose in life is to entertain the Sultan and (if you're lucky) have his children.

This was too freaking long, bye.
Aug 22, 2019
Tbh I didn’t feel sorry for the FL when she was being hit cause I actually cannot comprehend how dumb she was especially after so many people warned her not to trust others/women in the harem. She brought it upon herself and hopefully she learns from it
Feb 23, 2020
I agree with the comments below, because the FL deserves the beating for being foolish 🙃

If in the future she is still foolish then her brain must be checked lol
Feb 4, 2020
aiyaaaa Saye why are you so dumb??? Shouldn't that life being in the previous Sultan's harem have taught you not to trust others because they'll just use you as a stepping stool and for entertainment?
Dec 15, 2019
Can anyone in that era actually grow up to be that dumb and naive? Perhaps it's possible in this century but surely not then. Especially not somehow who was around the harem for so many years.

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