Taihou to Stamp - Vol. 5 Ch. 35 - Is Being Careless That Far From Being Earnest?

Group Leader
Mar 13, 2018
I will replace the first four pages with coloured ones once I manage to clear them from commercials.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Don't care, Still want his body paralyzed and suffer a slow agonizing death
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
It's a nice touch! He's still a snake, but it does show he really does care for her! And she does care for him, in a pure and innocent manner.

Alas, war makes fools of us all.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2018
Was Gona slightly forgive for his acts beforehand but now he ended up derailing a peace plan so back to a slow and painful death
Jan 10, 2019
*this is for everyone up to the last volume, otherwise DO NOT READ* And they still have to see al the shitshows ahead in the story
Group Leader
Mar 13, 2018
The last few chapters give a nice insight on this, unless Sinan was lying.
The military gave him everything: a purpose, a status, power and influence. The military thrives during a war. So his goal is to perpetuate the war to keep and increase what he got.
But may be there are other motives.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I seriously hope Sinan gets what's coming to him before our adorable glasses lets herself get Roached.
Group Leader
Mar 9, 2018
I totally understand "Sinan Hate Club" (and a bit sympathize with it), but i would like to risk incurring some wrath.

Look around. War is everywhere. Countries make soldiers kill each other, for their own goals, and call it justice. But those goals do not even help those soldiers, as it all resolves around corruption and politics (eg. chapter about golden train).
And yet, war rages on, and nobody cares about all this killing.
So if politician can declare murder legal, for his own gain, why not dirty your hands, for something for yourself?
I'm not defending him, because he deserves death, but when soldier kills enemy in trench, we ignore it, as "it is war, and he had to do it, because other guy was from other country".
Let's look at the situation other way round:
Sinan is also a soldier and he fights and kills in this war. But only difference is that, he does not fight for Duchy, nor for Republic. He fights for "Sinan" and his battlefield is everywhere. He is a third side of this war, that others do not know about. Why should his deeds be condemned more, than actions of others?

And P.S.
I also hope, that he dies before he does something unforgivable to our MC. But he is also very interesting character, that deserves some reflection, not only hate.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Sinan is a great character and this chapter proves it.
I won’t even begrudge him getting smithen with best girl.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
@Irian It's not about killing people - it's about being a d*ck while doing it. Also nobody like leeches.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
I like Sinan
He is quite a wonderful antagonist and quite a magnificent backstabber.
Also he is a pretty down to earth character
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2018
He fights for "Sinan" and his battlefield is everywhere. He is a third side of this war, that others do not know about. Why should his deeds be condemned more, than actions of others?

Because the conceit of a just war is fighting for altruistic reasons. Your family, the oppressed, traditions, your tribes honor, etc. Even imperialist conquerors like Caesar, Alexander, Genghis Khan and Napoleon all contrived moral reasons for their aggression.

Killing merely for personal convince, on the other hand, is the embodiment clinical psychopathy. It is considered the literal height of evil in virtually every culture and moral system on the planet (with the exception of post-modernism). He's not a "third-side" to the war, he's a bandit, a sexual serial-killer, a robber, a parasite and a pirate.

The others are ostensibly fighting for altruistic reasons. He is not, and that's why he should be condemned. It's not apparent that any of the other characters, on either side, fight for selfish reasons. Sinan may be more honest about his motives, but pure selfishness is still the shittiest motive.
Group Leader
Mar 9, 2018
(beginning note: it is no attack on You, and every "You" just keeping convention - no offense intended.)
Now, we talk about philosophy.
Why is killing for your family better than killing for yourself?
What makes so called "fighting for tradition" something ok? Especially, when "tradition" is usually just collective convenience?
Even if you call it "altruistic reasons", it is actually about You.
Those are Your loved ones. Your traditions. Your tribes honor.
So actually, it is just indirect way of fighting for yourself.

End of philosophy.

Start of personal note:
In my opinion, there is no "just war" - war is by default almost ultimate sin, no matter what excuses you have.
And Sinan wages war against whole world around him. For this, he deserves heavy condemnation from Reaper, and death from people, but he deserves death as a "Enemy", just like those, who bomb cities, or use deadly gases.
His death is necessary, for safety of everyone around him, but that's all. Calling him bigger sinner, than those who can find more comfortable excuses for their actions would be hypocrisy.

End of message, i hope, that i didn't cause too much anger. Those are only my opinions and you can disregard them freely. May there be peace between us.

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