Taimashi to Akuma-chan - Vol. 3 Ch. 27 - Exorcist and Christmas Eve

Mar 15, 2018
A whole lot of OOF coming from many directions. I for one *desperately* hope that she grows to be an adult!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I wonder what happens if they encounter the exorcist that took her eye out.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@icarushector: I get a feeling that the exorcised girl either didn't intend to hurt that person, was framed for it, or attacked because the person insulted her first.

Because Evan only told the story briefly, we didn't get a full details of things, but imagine something like:

Today is the day she know she'll celebrate Christmas with him (since he got a plush and food ready) and she's super elated.

In case of the accident attack: Well, demons are stronger, so if she was just 'dancing in joy' without looking and a passerby is just in her way...well...oof.

Framed (the most likely, given how she knelt down + his mention of her siding with demons): Some demon came in, tell her to stop trying to befriend their enemies, etc etc, she refused, they attacked a person, and while the girl was checking the victim's condition, Evan shows up with a look that basically told her what he thought. Despaired that his first reaction is NOT to trust her innocence despite this near a year of interaction and thought that he's been just pretending to go along with her the whole time (in reality he is opening up to her, christmas gift/dinner and all that), she kept quiet or assumed guilt and let him exorcise her.

Mocked: The victim, a woman with a crush on Evan, has been seeing this tiny demon clinging to him and got jealous, confronted her about it. Something about he's just playing with her and he'll NEVER like a demon is said, demon girl attacked, Evan show up, regret and despair, etc.

Whatever the case, her reaction at the end probably clued Evans in that he had prejudged her and that's the thing that hurt her the most.
That realization made him go into self-loathing mode over how he abused her affections for him, then our demon-chan shows up, and he thought "THIS TIME, I won't repeat my mistakes"

tl;dr - Author can still use this for more FEELS chapters.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
@WhimsiCat damn, that's a lot of ways it could have gone, but it certainly cements the fact that she's one of the rare tragic backstory girls I want staying dead.
Feb 4, 2018
Who the fuck would hurt her when she always was a peaceful demon ?

She probably was too close to a human town and was spotted by a workaholic exorcist.

And poor Evans, he already loved a demon, no wonder the others human girls don't really have a big effect on him.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@icarushector: Yeah, don't see her coming back.

One possibility, admittedly would be a rather out of nowhere thing, would be a 'reincarnation', where in her dying moment the girl wished she could've kept being 'good girl' and meet him again, and her soul goes back in time to be born as this current demon-chan who as we've seen is such an unusually peaceful demon.

Would be unexpected for this series, but I've seen it done in a different one
Where, from following the MC's POV:

She found a guy who reincarnated after dying on the day he planned to propose, get showed a vision of his waifu being proposed to by another man and accepted.
Get tempted by the demon who showed him that vision into sacrificing tons of lives to get himself sent back in time to prevent that.
Get told that ain't happening, and get 'eaten' by the MC, who then sent his soul to wander back to Earth.
Said soul then was born as another person, who as he grew up always felt like he was searching for something.
Found a woman whose fiance just died, comforted her, and over time he proposed to her. (Yes, that's his waifu who he saw being proposed to by another man, i.e. himself reincarnated)

They have children, and then his granddaughter was born.
She is frail and sickly, supposedly haunted by something, and die very young.

Said granddaughter is the MC, who later on followed the 'contract' she made with the man and ends up in her past-life's body through a rather strange spell.

(Author will later on do similar thing with another series they wrote, wherein a girl die, become demon, spent who knows how long evolving, then get told "your power is capped because you haven't completed your first contract" and get sent back to the time of her own death to then get isekai'd into meeting her contractor....and a lot of grim humor ensues, including golf swinging balls)
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2018
But didn't that one demon get disembodied by an exorcist and was sure he would grow it back since there was no true name use? So her missing eye is even stranger.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Damn that’s sad.
*Imma just gonna ignore the fact that he is essentially grooming her*
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018

This and the related series since they all share universe (note that the whole time leap is just a minor thing in the overall plot)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
So we learned 2 things this chapter. Demon-chan lost her eye to an exorcist and Evan digs demon chicks.

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