Tales of Demons and Gods - Ch. 316.5

Apr 4, 2019
@akozan I dunno, from her way of acting she deserved it. Also the whipping was her idea, she brought it upon her self. And he did not want to whip her, but she challenged him again! she has only her self to blame. Cultivators need to own up to their words, otherwise they will have heart demons later making their break through to the next level harder.

About urban immortal cultivator, I heard the novel is 10x better than the manhua, you may want to take a look. Novels have way more details than manhua in general, it should be a good read. Martial peak's novel is awesome!
Active member
Sep 5, 2019
People are saying that Nie Li is acting irrationally and, yeah, he is. Unresolved emotional trauma will do that to a person. And all those feelings have come bubbling up in the last five minutes after coming face to face with both his former Master (who recognized him and just told him her name for the first time) and then his Master’s murderer (who is constantly belittling and threatening him). The man isn’t in the best mental state at the moment.

But, when all is said and done, he tries to walk back from that cliff and decides not to whip her. He knows he stirred up this confrontation, it’s not rationally based on anything that she is currently guilty of, and he knows his Master wouldn’t approve. But she refuses to back down. She demands he fulfill the punishment, because she intends to use it as justification to repay it with interest in the future.

In that moment, I think he realizes that this (where unrelenting strength defines the world) is the only language she currently understands. So Nie Li gives in and whips her; but it’s not the lashing that stings the most, it’s the words that accompany it. Physically, he could have done much worse. But mentally, he’s cut her to the core. He vents his pent up emotions, and he may regret his actions later. But at the end of the day, this kind of confrontation is probably the only thing that she would have listened to.
Sep 21, 2020
After a couple of trading fist and kicks, she will be his wet bitch kek
Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2020
Well, if it isn't a bit of character depth!

Ever since the start of the story, Nie Li, had a morality cheat sheet. He judged people based on how they acted in the future, if they turned out to be trusted friends, or bitter enemies. He never really had to doubt anyone (except for the very few people who he did not previously know). This seems to be this first time, that he is actually wrong about someone. This is exciting! A character flaw in the MC, and a not-yet-so evil girl? This smell like a character arc!

Also, you gotta feel sorry for Yunin. You can feel Nie Li's intense hatred and contempt for her, and she has no idea why. And while I generally like Nie Li, I really hope he gets to receive those 3 whip lashes that Yunin promised to him. Yunin is not the only one arrogant here. His previous death actually proves that.
Active member
Oct 27, 2020
@phanirithvij. I don't think he messed up, at least not completely. I think he may regret being so harsh, but this is also good for her, in a twisted way. From this point on she should reflect on her previous and future actions and make her think twice before she does do something unforgivable. It would also have her strive to better herself without using her family and do the work instead of using items. She may even get her family to do something productive instead of putting down others. I am not 100% on this but I think this a good point for both of them to develop.
Jan 7, 2021
That a bit much and out of character for Nie Li, why he rant about thing didn't happened in this life then blame her and for everyone to hear, such weird thing out of the blue. Just whip her and don't say OUT LOUD about thing from previous life event, just about the bullying in this life is ok and move on.
Sep 12, 2018
Well she hasn't done anything bad yet, but it could be said to be a good thing that Nie Li did this before her attitude got worse and then led her to eventually killing others. Nip it in the bud
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2020
punishing someone for a crime they didnt commit and maybe would never ...
highly problematic
Aug 26, 2019
@Rukja “would never” is a bit too optimistic, I think. She already did do all those things in Nie Li’s previous life so I’d assume without any intervention from Nie Li, the only different element in this timeline, she’d have gone and done the same things that she did in the past. With how arrogant she was before Nie Li challenged her, it wasn’t too farfetched for her to start thinking that everyone else is trash enough that she could take their lives whenever she wanted.

Though yeah, since Yuyin still hasn’t turned evil yet, Nie Li could’ve been intervened in a nicer way, but tbh I wouldn’t really be able to imagine someone that benevolent on someone who killed their loved ones in front of them.
Jul 30, 2020
hahahaha this chapter is so good this is more better than "killing intent" shit nie li when he wants to kill the demon lord lol, but for some reason I feel bad for her
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2020
@Isekaioverrr i would argue that since Nie Li is now there to Support his old Master, way before he was there last time. So it is Unlikely that he wont help his Old Master to reach new Hights

so yes taking revenge for an action this person hasnt done hmm well sorry i still see it a bit as problematic. And i mean the evidence that he effects the normal turn of events are more then enough
Sep 24, 2018
I mean yeah, even if she's a bitch and did awful things in her alternate future ... right now she's just a bitch and has no idea why this random new guy hates her this much. MC is a real dick there right now. She might deserve it in the future but not right now.
Apr 20, 2018
lol, didn't she threaten to kill his entire family(313.5; because he insulted her), along with killing him(315.1), not too long ago? Though, he did 'provoke' her, how she started the conversation (313.5) could push peoples buttons.

Edit: Lol, the 'whip for myself' is located near/at the cleavage.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 21, 2020
he should've at least waited for the future where his master gets killed

am i sounding like a simple man going from she's a bitch to she's good? (i mean i dont think that since i tend to read further to see the character but i thought it just sounded like it)

the spoiler isnt a spoiler

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