Tanaka no Atelier ~Nenrei Equal Kanojo Inaireki no Mahoutsukai~ - Ch. 3 - Easy-mark

Active member
Mar 24, 2018
Why would he want to pay the taxes of the house when it's probably not even worth that much?

He could probably buy a much better house with that sum.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2018
translator just googled the currency conversion of 150mill yen to usd then fuck it up since 150 Million yen = 1,363,698.30 United States Dollar which you could round to 1.36 million usd NOT 1,364 million, we don't live in some backwards economy where the yen is valued more than the Swedish krona let alone the US dollar
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2018
I feel like I'm responding to bait but 1,36 being one digit shorter doesn't make it any more or less correct than the 1,364 that the translation team gave. It's still a million and about tree fiddy thousands.
Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2018
@Mortaze aberdeus probably just forgot/doesn't know that sometimes people use ',' instead of '.' for the separator.
Jun 27, 2018
I dont get it wtf is wrong with fken japanese people why do they have to ruin a perfectly good manga by redoing it with 10 times shittier art fken idiots they did the same with sono mono and they ruined it as well redid a fken monthly manga so we had to wait ages and gave us x50times shitter art style fken ret.ards
Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2018
@Ovdose @Mortaze in case you needed a lesson on why i pointed it out, no i did not type 1(comma)36 but rather 1(point)36 because when you use something like 1.36 million it's short hand for [ 1.36(1,000,000) = 1,360,000 ]as in a math problem, while 1,364 million would then mean [1,364(1,000,000) =1,364,000,000] which is over a billion and @nfzeta no i "didn't forget" cause that's not a thing which literally would in any situation cause massive issues, we clearly see 2 commas used in that note so it is a comma which doesn't make it the correct value.

these one correct answer which is what i said the TL made a mistake just a simple thing but you 3 had to go and try to sound smart, go use that(1,any 3 numbers) in your job when entering values and see what happens, i can guarantee they will question how you even got hired then promptly fire you for causing them to lose money cause you thought you can switch between a comma and a period.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 17, 2018
Those two USED GOODS are still th3 cover girls. Don't want some trash to be heroines.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2018
go use that(1,any 3 numbers) in your job when entering values and see what happens, i can guarantee they will question how you even got hired then promptly fire you for costing them to lose money cause you thought you can switch between a comma and a period.
Delicious delusion, keep them coming man. One of the problems our schools and companies face in modern times is that students and employees attempt to use the British way of separating thousands with commas and marking decimals with periods which breaks the software they're using. Doing it the way you suggest is a surefire way of getting the boss angry with me.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2018
@Ovdose i dunno what low tier trash software your using but most software are designed to use period for decimals and commas for thousands schools teach you to used periods for decimals and commas for thousands, i guess what ever third world county you reside in has a horrible education system to the point you probably assumed you were praised as a genius for being able to add 1+1 and get 2.

your reply isn't making me look bad its making you look bad. especially with your condescending tone about delusions


Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
Oh yeah, sure. Using commas for decimals is verboten. And 'Murica is the only real country in existence - everything else is those dirty sand people. Or yellow ones. Great mentality, mate. Kudos.
Oh and of course the metric system sucks (cause it has to in your little world) and imperial is the only way to measure anything.

Let's be blunt: you, your race, nationality and your typography are NOT superior to any other. If you don't get it through your thick skull, might as well go join the KKK and advocate dropping nukes on some different colored people - after all it has such a profound effect on their cultural development. And send in the soldiers to occupy that country afterwards while you're at it - they'll love you forever.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
Blegh, it's skipping all the good stuff of the older version...
Oct 1, 2018
What BS paying back taxes on a property you didn't own in that time wft is that lol, Is that a thing even in real life?, doubt it, since no one would buy the property and the government would never get any more taxes off said property, fuking retarded. He would be better telling them to get fuked and buy a property without back taxes on it even if it costed more lol
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
this tanaka is too handsome.

This series is skipping so much content, i understand that they want to catch up where the last manga left off, but seriously they should have just picked up where the other left off, this is starting to ruin the series for me.

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