Pretty sure it's just a quick draw faster than a person can react.Man so uninteresting I just wish to know what's time cutter gimmick. If it's a delayed vacuum blade or a precise attack or something.
I believe they explained that it is a cut aimed to travel in-between the time for the signal to travel from the eyes to the brain. It's seen as delayed because by the time the brain processed the cut it already happenedMan so uninteresting I just wish to know what's time cutter gimmick. If it's a delayed vacuum blade or a precise attack or something.
It's just very fast attack, it's not that deep.Man so uninteresting I just wish to know what's time cutter gimmick. If it's a delayed vacuum blade or a precise attack or something.
Buy the dip!Holding on to my Inshun stocks, I believe
Togo was trying to become the sword itself, he was represented the obsession/madness to the story, while Jinsuke was representative of hard work/persistence (as of now, since he already avenged his father,) just like their fighting style, these two clearly have different theme.I like that effort might be winning, but why is it another "katana dude"... Let the interesting weapon users stay!