Yeah, I'm pretty amazed there was no reaction to the discovery that the mana gathered could be increased by passing it in key spots.
The way magic activation is taught is that you have to gather the mana, have a strong image of what will be done and then chant the incantation. Octavia's explanation on activating a magic stone was to concentrate on the flow of blood. The heart pumps the blood, the gut contains various organs that clean the blood and also extract energy from digested food, and the head has the brain which consumes quite a bit of that energy and then controls the body through the nervous system. It's natural that those spots are important, though one wonders what the role of muscles and fat might be in regards to mana gathering.
I wonder if magicians could become less rare if more people realised how to properly flow mana from the head through the heart to the gut before going to the fingers. It's possible that people with different mana circuits would need to flow their mana differently otherwise the flow gets blocked somewhere and fails to reach the fingertip. Let's hope she considers trying this research on non magicians. Put that stone on Tito's butt! For science! Though if a "non magician" could activate a stone on their forehead, they should technically be able to activate magic directly from there. Though I guess that not making the mana flow means you can't really gather as much for a magic spell.
It's quite intriguing that chanting the spell to activate it is done after gathering your mana where you want to activate the magic circle. If I understood correctly, she starts gathering mana from the head, so the magic stone on her head lit up, and then moved the mana in her body, so the other magic stones lit up too, but what happens is that it's actually a flow of mana because the stone on her forehead does not stop glowing. Then, by chanting, I assume that the magic circle spell is activated from the head and appears at the end of the flow of mana.
I wonder if one could start gathering mana from the gut or heart instead of the head and what that would mean for using magic and chanting. Perhaps body enhancement magic that requires no chanting?
Since magic stones react to mana directly and there is no chanting, there might be ways to expell mana from the body directly (though Zenis' feeling was that it would explode with too much mana gathered and no spell to use it up).
There doesn't seem to have been any fundamental research like what she's done. Third year thesis was mostly about creating new spells, which means there is some knowledge on how to use the magic language.