Tensei Gotoki De Nigerareru To Demo, Niisan?

Oct 13, 2020
I know how bad this sounds, but fuck this dude pre-re. You mean an older supposed man can’t subdue his crazy, busty sister for 5 years??

Don’t give me that equality bullshit, there are no words for that level of soft. This is worse than that bullshit about female classmates bullying a male student. To be clear, I’m not saying you should haul off on a woman because you’re too stupid to deal with her shit talking you, but if someone’s or your life is on the line, you treat it as any other threat. Honestly, you shouldn’t have let it get that bad in the first place.

At least now there’s a semi legit reason to be scared of her, but make no mistake, I’d die before I let some shit like that happen to me.

Is that so? You'd die before you allow wot is essentially a professional serial killer that has evaded police without moving from her home... For FIVE YEARS... Keep you locked up, murdering everyone you'd ever spoken with or seen?
Somehow, I doubt you have the balls to just up and die out of sheer will to deny such a killer their control over you.

You seem like the same sort of fool that spouts nonsense like "I'd totally use karate and my katana to cut the robber in half, save the day and finally make my mommy love me again."
Wannabe bad-ass, but IRL you'd almost certainly just passively go along with your treatment for fear of torture. Bet a person like you couldn't even stand to have a fingernail nailed-up...
And I seriously doubt you'd have the skill, the courage or the forethought to outsmart or kill a girl as ruthless, experienced and as thorough as the MC's sister.

That bitch had his social interactions down to the second by memory alone. She sliced fingers off all at once in one sweep of a knife. She gouged out the poor innocent's eyes FFS.
You, sir, like everyone else would be nothing but a quivering quim before such gore-heavy violence, especially if she ever dared turn that intimidation upon you yourself.

In summary, you are most surely pusillanimous. You bark loudly, but understand jack.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 15, 2019

.... It's pretty telling you immediately go to suicide instead of, oh I don't know, subduing/knocking the shit out of/killing your YOUNGER SISTER THAT LEAVES YOU UNSHACKLED. Or die trying.

I'm not sure why you think it's such a feat to stand up to A LITTLE GIRL. Granted this girl is fucking psychotic, hence the possibility of dying. Again, I really doubt I'd let it get to the point where she can pin me to a chair with a stare, while she gouges out the eyes of someone I know. I'd at least look into therapy for her before then, her social skills notwithstanding.

Maybe we're just built differently, or maybe that type of life and.. devotion appeals to you. Dave Chappelle had a joke explaining how two different 15 year old girls reacted to a hostage situation. I don't know about you, but I'm the one chewing through the ropes, hopping on the bus, and watching them get arrested on the news. But hey, you do you.
Mar 4, 2020
Interesting Isekai concept. This certainly has potential but it will probably, nonetheless, end up like most mangas where they get worse by the chapter, but it's too early to judge.
I just hope that their background story will also be explained because the is the first time I've seen an imouto turning into such a yandere
where she goes out of her way and kills and tortures her Onii-chan's acquaintances just because they looked at him a certain way and I want to know they reason for her infatuation with her brother.
I don't want to read another "sHe jUsT AlWaYs lOvEd hEr oNiI-ChAn aNd nOw tUrNeD InTo a pSyChO JuSt cAuSe iT'S A PlOt dEvIcE TeEhEe".

Oh and BTW
her reincarnating again is really a shitty OP move. I guess the mangaka just didn't GAF and made her OP just cause
@einjineer she probably threatened the priestess or she sucked God's dick or both 🤷
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
What the fuck... I honestly kinda like this one. It's just so over the top it's enjoyable. The first fight was really interesting and intense too.
Though it's a little early to tell if it's actually good, but I did like the first few chapters (just be warned it's kinda disturbing).
Jul 13, 2020
This is cursed !!! She sexually abused him, trapped him and murdered people. Not enjoyable it’s a bit too much for my taste.
Nov 25, 2020
Even if the SCP foundation allies with INTERPOL or the UN, that bitch will still get out from the containment zone to get her brother.
Active member
Aug 12, 2019
A Keter class SCP has breached containment. MTF Epsilon-11 is approaching the Site. I repeat, A Keter class SCP has breached containment. MTF Epsilon-11 is approaching the Site.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@Eeveebro279 H tag

@chojinra drugging him is an option the sister subduing the bro isn't really unrealistic given she's the one feeding him who knows what it in that food but yeah the serial murder not solved for 5 years is really unrealistic given the victims somehow related to this 2 siblings and the last known interaction is probably them trying to visit the big bro out of concern for him.

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