Tensei Inja wa Hokusoemu - Ch. 2

Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2020
"Man I have to start with picking herbs? God being low-ranked sucks"
"What the fuck why did they make me rank C and make me do rank C stuff?"
They literally dedicate two pages of him whining about this despite his fiction-breaking skills. sure.

The gods of this world must be real generous to give useless wastes like him such an ez modo paradise.
Jan 18, 2018
Oh wow this is so bad, everything just happened but nothing really explained mmm...

The pace is so messed up, the plot is garbage and the art is also very busy mmm...
Active member
Sep 2, 2020
is this gonna be a short manga cause theres so many new things that i had to re read all 4 times to understand, or is there a chapter skipped? like where is the slave and more
Active member
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
I thought only rank A or S could have forced quests with no right to refuse? In any case Supervisor should've mentioned a good reward considering he's blackmailing the MC into taking the quest. At this rate getting too much stick and not enough carrot the MC will leave town for some other place asap and the Supervisor will lose his high skilled new adventurer. If the Holy Sword is Rina's family treasure why is the idiot Alhart carrying it? Seems to impulsive to have earned the title hero and too inexperienced if it's his job.

In any case, too much info is being left out. Like who is the Yupitaris Congregation to pressure the princess in her own kingdom? When Rina said the other two refused the request does that mean the request to take some time to buy antidotes, herbs and/or join up with a healer or some other request? Actually standing guard at night next to a campfire isn't feasible. After all, how are you going to see something crawling around in the dark if your eyes have adjusted to the light from the fire? More like being next to the fire makes it easier to be seen by approaching enemy. Granted the MC is probably using skills and spells to detect possible threats but there's always something that has something to fool those. That and a fire is good for keeping warm when outside and will scare away several animals. What's wrong with the Holy Sword other than being sealed?

@Seraphsent It's not Easy Mode, his character is just too OP. Like creating a new character in a game, paying x to max the level, and then starting at the beginner village intended for level 1s.

@Js1a231 MC knows them because the Princess Arisia and Rina are both characters from the game Dungeon Seed that he played. Third girl in bath is the Hero Alhart's sister who was lying down poisoned at the boss room entrance. Her complaint about MC making fun or her and her brother is due to him mocking them for rushing off to the goblin cave, refusing to take the time to gather antidotes and/or a healer despite knowing would be dealing with goblins who use poisoned weapons, and leaving Arisia and Rina behind while charge towards boss room.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Princess almost raped by Goblins? Nice protection princesses get. 😊
Jan 6, 2020
I think what is labeled Chapter 2 probably isn't Chapter 2. I could be wrong, but this looks like it was misidentified before it was uploaded.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
@Cinna2Spicy @OldManElectron

guys this is the correct chapter, its chapter 2, in the first page he talks about how the massacre of the buffalos made him rank up to rank C, and the money hes gonna get from the princess quest will probably used to buy the slave girl.

or did u guys read a different chapter uploaded and replaced? not being an asshole, im legit curious, coz like at 1 hour ago i tried to load mangadex, and i got a dark version of it, with the newest upload being one from 3 days ago
Jan 12, 2020
There seems to be cut in the description of the daggers, or is it just me?
Active member
Dec 9, 2018
Finally an update NICE. Thanks for the update, please continue translating this manga really love it. Thank you translators can't wait for the next update.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2020
the character design is kinda off
and the story is too generic
but gonna continue reading for the uncensored big milkies.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 6, 2018
Why are the heads drawn so huge compared to their bodies?
Also, this is the first time I've seen the words in a character dialog of 'dumb' and 'stupid' in the same page of a manga. The MC sure likes to insult other people.
Active member
Dec 28, 2018
wow this manga is all over the place don't think the author knows what they are doing
what happened to the whole getting hot slaves to start building his harem.
Did that hero get killed by the goblin boss wasn't to clear on that. Got that he took the sword
Is there some kinda conflict brewing between the countries.
Ml certainly seems to have a one track mind i'm curious he never questioned how his life on earth ended but as he's living a seriously OP life now probably not bothered.

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