This is lame as hell. every skill he has or gets is so convenient for the plot. EVERYTHING. And this MC is like dumb with everything he thinks and reacts. is he special ? Hes a special person for sure. He says the food looks graet.. but the guy was eating slop. Says the armor is nice and sturdy, but its a female wearing boob armor and its uncomplete. Shes wearing boob armor and panties, with some cloth there to hide some of the skin. And Sage... is the same catagory as Magician, they are pretty much the same thing.. so fucking tick magician. Instead he was being an idiot and scribbling here and there, Kinda why I ask is he special ? He complains about being worked to the bone, then quit and get another job you knob. In Japan is it legal for people to be worked like child labour in 3rd world countries ?
Whys the exam so expensive. and once week ? is it to keep the commoner/peasants from being adventures ?
Also in the last chapter..... why the fuck was a dragon so close to town, and nobody from the town feared it ? Even if the author wanted to show he could 1 hit a dragon, what a bloody terrible way to do it.