@Allexio Of course it doesn't. And I never claimed this story is amazing.
But honestly, most of this isekai shit that is released in parts are similar
in quality to this series. It's not about quantity over quality. Instead,
it's about how both quantity
and quality have dropped in recent years.
We used to get rich 50-page chapters with amazing plot out of our monthlies.
Now we get 6 page chapters that are likely to equate a currency of another
world to the Japanese yen despite there being no actual similarities in the
worlds that would make a conversion rate even the least bit accurate. Before
you attack someone based on what they didn't say, maybe next time try being
less confrontational. It will help you to make less enemies.
@Le_Flemard Yea, I'm not necessarily saying that we need whole chapters weekly, but instead that monthlies should not be so poor.