Tensei Mae wa Otoko Datta no de Gyaku Harem wa Okotowari Shite Orimasu - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

Double-page supporter
Jun 11, 2018
She is not that wrong tho
To achieve democracy, people need education first and then actively pursuing it. If people doesnt even comprehend democracy, collapsing monarchy or feudalism would only ruin the gear of society. She only think monarchy is needed 'right now' because stability for other political system is not possible at this moment.

Despite how monarchy being shit on at curent era. Its actually the best possible option during the start and lack of technological civilization.
and good luck not getting invaded by other countries, just look at how sorounding country reaction to french revolution they are straight up invaded and starting bloody war that last for more than 20 years that causing million people dies
Dex-chan lover
Mar 11, 2020
Me when the protagonist dunked on that damned pinko brat.

Edit: Do people not understand what a status quo is and why a revolution isn't always the answer?
Revolution is a question, and the answer isn't yes most of the time.
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 22, 2023
MC basically said that she agrees with Rio, but to take it slow and rationally, meanwhile some people here are just too radical minded that they instantly default to "THING BAD" when the MC's stance is not perfectly the same as them.

Anyways, amazing chapter, I've been liking the trend of more isekai/reincarnation mangas dabbling on more complex topics.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I came to the comments to see what the reaction to her statements about the necessity of the nobility (at the time) was, and was pleasantly surprised that others defended her.
Yes, Democracy (or republic) is better, but it is impossible to have the better things without having the foundation they are built on and fundamentally require. The people are (primarily) uneducated, perhaps it is because the nobility prevent them from obtaining education, or perhaps it is because they are literally too busy trying to produce enough food for their population. At the implied technical time the manga would take place, they absolutely did not have sufficient fertilizer technology; that doesn't mean they didn't have it at all, but that it wasn't sufficient for the population they had. And as for crop rotation, just because a population on Earth had it at an early time in history, doesn't mean every population had it at the same time. Take the native Americans (or First People, if you will), a large portion of their nations continued to be hunter/gather well beyond other populations "advanced" into "medieval" style eras. Because these populations didn't do "settling down for agriculture" they never developed crop rotation, never had a reason to. Yet, the same populations developed other advancements beyond the European settlers. (I won't get into that wall of text here, simply Google "what the natives developed" if you wish to know.)

Further more, and to continue what another person posted about the French revolution, there are numerous examples of "highly advanced" civilizations falling to "less advanced" civilizations due to war or internal strife. What the ancients knew throughout history, but was lost to history, is amazing, bizarre and tragic.
So, yes, a number of civilizations developed technology that Isekai civilizations seem to lack, but plenty more did not develop the same technology or it was less widespread within them.

Finally, yes, the people are taxed. No, just because they are taxed does not require that they are taxed unfairly. For all we know, some of the nobility in this "other world" are reasonable, and only tax their people what they need to to pay the king.
Hell, even with democracy there is inequality (taxation is just one aspect that this is true). So it's neither a Japanese view, nor at all inaccurate for her to say that people are not born equally. Or are you going to say a child born with (any kind of) disabilities, or cancer, or even to a poor family or circumstances, is born equally to one not born to the aforementioned conditions? Because if you are then there are a great number of people who need to have a word with you...

I have more to say, but have already created enough "walls of text" for now.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I got brain damage by just reading the first few comments, it truly is baffling how simple and barbaric minded people can be.

"Oh, this guy is nobility, KILL1!1!!1!1!"
"Uh oh, it's not like the knowledge of agriculture is widespread or anything ☝🤓"

My guy, before radio and news outlet is a thing every information is very limited.

Just because democracy is the CURRENT best governmental system doesn't mean it's the best for the era with people's literacy rate around 3-5%, dumbass.
Double-page supporter
Jan 22, 2023
“Silver spoons are important to society” says girl who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth

First rule of isekai: the society must be technologically advanced enough to have things like immunity to disease and modern plumbing, but also technologically behind enough that the main character can be seen as a messiah for suggesting crop rotation and mayonnaise
"We must obliterate all nobility causing bloody battles, millions killed, and the likelihood of generational famine for the sake of equality, rather than the logical and slow approach for a greater society that'll potentially phase the idea of class over time." - You
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
Japanese manga and deepthroating nobility name a more iconic duo !

"Hmm yes we need rich elites because peasant are too busy to educate themselves"
Well maybe if they didn't have to work 14h a day to pay 40% in taxes so you can afford to live in palaces made of fucking diamonds and the other 40% so the Church can afford more pools and palaces (God told them to do it i swear) they'd have the time to educate themselves.
Did you know that for most of the history a lot of people had to work in producing food, just to feed the population?
Aggregator gang
May 13, 2019
She is not that wrong tho
To achieve democracy, people need education first and then actively pursuing it. If people doesnt even comprehend democracy, collapsing monarchy or feudalism would only ruin the gear of society. She only think monarchy is needed 'right now' because stability for other political system is not possible at this moment.

Despite how monarchy being shit on at curent era. Its actually the best possible option during the start and lack of technological civilization.
I hope we can say the same about capitalism down the line

anyhow, really like this manga! thanks for translating ^^
Double-page supporter
Sep 19, 2020
MC do said a good point, education is needed first before any attempts of changing the current system, lets say that a Rebellion occurs and democracy is put in place, how would everyone expect the uneducated commoners to vote on a proper President and politicians to start with ?

But with education and knowledge, the cost of living lowers and more technology is created, benefiting even the lower class, and when people start getting more satisfied with it, they will learn to demand for more, to get their taxes worth their price, demanding infrastructure, better roads, health care, and slowly the system is forced to change by itself.
Double-page supporter
Sep 19, 2020
Japanese manga and deepthroating nobility name a more iconic duo !

"Hmm yes we need rich elites because peasant are too busy to educate themselves"
Well maybe if they didn't have to work 14h a day to pay 40% in taxes so you can afford to live in palaces made of fucking diamonds and the other 40% so the Church can afford more pools and palaces (God told them to do it i swear) they'd have the time to educate themselves.

Yeah, such high taxes sucks, but at least with education the farmers could get the knowledge and technology to automate or lower their burdens, giving them more free time, which can be used to plan a rebellion.
Active member
Feb 15, 2018
The lesson of this story: when our current society is a boot that stamps upon our neck, people want to go to another world not because they want to be in a world without boots, but because they want to be the boot themselves.
Log Horizon is my favorite example of this.
MC gets SAO'd, creates and controls a tax system. I initially thought "Oh wow this is some unique worldbuilding!"
Season 3 of the anime was put on hiatus because the creator was arrested for tax fraud.
Mar 21, 2024
True equality is impossible in our reality. Remove the social class, and you're still left with economic class and power class. Even if you go full commie and remove economic class, power class in society would still exist and is absolutely impossible to be removed. Even anarchic society doesn't remove the soft power some people have to influence others

Mc is right in improving the quality of live so that even the lowest class could lead a comfortable live, rather than forcing to break the status quo which would make things even worse considering the state of their people and society is in
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I hope we can say the same about capitalism down the line

anyhow, really like this manga! thanks for translating ^^
I had to take an economics class in college. The class, and (if I remember correctly, which I probably don't) the professor were there to effectively "preach" the "benefits" of Capitalism.
My general take from the class is that Capitalism still consists of all the "bad parts" of all the supposedly "worse" forms of economics, without really adding anything new and better.

Now, it's been nearly a decade since I took that class so my memory of the finer points is lacking; however I will try to explain:
(Please note, I desperately tried to find references for this to aid my crappy memory. Apparently it's incredibly difficult to look this up without finding the "political" version instead of the economic one.)
"One person/group chooses" is a (basic) form of economics (and goods distribution) whereby one person (i.e. a king) or group (such as a republic - the government type, not to be confused with the political party) dictate who resources go to and when. There are obvious problems with this.
"Barter system" whereby individuals put one or more good(s) and/or service(s) for another individual's good(s) and/or service(s).
What is effectively "Communism" whereby "everything is distributed 'equally'" (which almost NEVER works because "equally" almost NEVER happens)
(One or two more, which I can't think of for the life of me)
And "Capitalism" where things are determined (ideally) by "markets".

The problem with "Capitalism" in the real world is (similar to communism and socialism) other things interfere with it. "One person (or group)" determine who can buy their goods either via price or other (outside) manipulation. We "barter" our goods and services for "money" which we then barter for other goods and services, and the value of said goods and services are determined between groups and individuals. And since I can't remember (or find) the other one or two systems I can't explain how their "problems" creep into Capitalism.

Basically, no form of economics (goods distribution) or government (for that matter) is perfect. Even if it appears to be "the best" on paper, once "people" are involved the problems with literally any other form of economics or government will appear and apply.

Sorry for the wall of text. I would love to format the above better, but am typing from a phone, making editing all but impossible...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
MC do said a good point, education is needed first before any attempts of changing the current system, lets say that a Rebellion occurs and democracy is put in place, how would everyone expect the uneducated commoners to vote on a proper President and politicians to start with ?

But with education and knowledge, the cost of living lowers and more technology is created, benefiting even the lower class, and when people start getting more satisfied with it, they will learn to demand for more, to get their taxes worth their price, demanding infrastructure, better roads, health care, and slowly the system is forced to change by itself.
I know I just replied above, but don't know how to combine replies to different people.

Even American Democracy wasn't actually fully intended/designed "for the masses". That is precisely why the "Electoral College" exist. The Founding Fathers were protecting themselves and their "Democracy" from the "uneducated masses."

I would post a hyperlink with evidence, but as pointed out in my previous reply (above) I am on my phone, and opening new tabs always runs the risk of unloading other (more important) tabs, thus loosing anything already written... If evidence is requested I will look it up BEFORE commenting.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2019
Crop rotation is a perfectly valid strategy to use on any agricultural land, regardless of scale. Different crops drain/contribute different nutrients at different ratios and attract different pests and diseases. It can be a pain to put up with, especially if you have a small number of fields.

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