Tensei Mae wa Otoko Datta no de Gyaku Harem wa Okotowari Shite Orimasu - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

Group Leader
Feb 22, 2020
I'm sick asf grinding on my skateboard doing kick flips
(But no I really still am sick, for real)
Will try to upload chapter 4 ASAP sorry for the week long delay

Dex-chan lover
Jul 11, 2018
I'm sick asf grinding on my skateboard doing kick flips
(But no I really still am sick, for real)
Will try to upload chapter 4 ASAP sorry for the week long delay

If you're feeling sick, the chapters can wait until you're feeling better.

Also one of the pages (pg 28) has untranslated dialog. But don't worry, please wait until you feel better and thank you for the translation
Jul 4, 2019
Thanks for the scanlation! If you go back for page 28, then page 8 has a small typo "Right to" is miss spaced into "Righ tto".

Other than that it looks great! I know how hard half tones and semi transparent speech bubbles are and it looks great! Keep up the good work
Jan 19, 2018
Oh, Rio. Nobles are important for society because, uh… they have duties and responsibilities to help the common man! Yeah, that’s it! Anyway that’s why we cannot have a wholly egalitarian society, please understand

“Silver spoons are important to society” says girl who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth

These manga are getting kind of ridiculous on the technology level of the natives. Manure for fertiliser has been used for over 8000 years. And you're telling me these people have never heard of it?
First rule of isekai: the society must be technologically advanced enough to have things like immunity to disease and modern plumbing, but also technologically behind enough that the main character can be seen as a messiah for suggesting crop rotation and mayonnaise
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
Japanese manga and deepthroating nobility name a more iconic duo !

"Hmm yes we need rich elites because peasant are too busy to educate themselves"
Well maybe if they didn't have to work 14h a day to pay 40% in taxes so you can afford to live in palaces made of fucking diamonds and the other 40% so the Church can afford more pools and palaces (God told them to do it i swear) they'd have the time to educate themselves.
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Jan 19, 2018
Pro-capitalism, pro-monarchy MC

Gets reincarnated and immediately puts those orphans to work. How grateful they should be!
The lesson of this story: when our current society is a boot that stamps upon our neck, people want to go to another world not because they want to be in a world without boots, but because they want to be the boot themselves.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
The lesson of this story: when our current society is a boot that stamps upon our neck, people want to go to another world not because they want to be in a world without boots, but because they want to be the boot themselves.
If inequality can never be solved, why not try to be the one in the higher status?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018
damn guys, that was one of the better equity speeches and you still want to dunk on MC.

It's not really wrong, from the perspective of one individual and the power of a new rich. If she really tried to stand for abolishing nobility, that's a quick assassination at worst and a long civil war at best. Improving the living standards of everyone will deal with the problems in ways harder to deny, and naturally give power to the commoners to get educated and control the economy. Mr. probably prince here can tackle it from the other direction, pressuring the nobility to keep making achievements to be worth their noble privileges.
Active member
Mar 6, 2019
She is not that wrong tho
To achieve democracy, people need education first and then actively pursuing it. If people doesnt even comprehend democracy, collapsing monarchy or feudalism would only ruin the gear of society. She only think monarchy is needed 'right now' because stability for other political system is not possible at this moment.

Despite how monarchy being shit on at curent era. Its actually the best possible option during the start and lack of technological civilization.

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