Tensei ni Hakobijin no Isekai Kouryakuhou - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Dex-chan lover
Jun 16, 2019
About the "porter" vs "carrier" thing. Porter is usually viewed as a low class job in real life.
Can't say the same about carrier. Jobs with carrier in it are usually important. Vehicles are technological marvels and some items luxury goods.
Nov 8, 2019
Porter is usually viewed as a low class job in real life.
Can't say the same about carrier.
With the contempt with which the job is regarded in-world, that would make "porter" fit even better. You've seen the sneer in the first chapter, and how in this second chapter that dancer floozy went from "Ay papi, give me your Big Tasty and fertilize the eggs in my McMuffin, and not just for breakfast" to "Khajiit has cunt if you have coin" after glancing so much as a glint of his job tag faster than Content ID can fuck you over your newest YT upload because during recording some neighbour three floors up happened to intonate the first three notes of the newest pop garbage on his ass trumpet while having a particularly musical shit.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2020
Unlimited boner time.

I'm all in on our endless jazz soaked adventure!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023
I feel you. It's not like porter is some kind of obscure word that you would never know unless you researched it. And calling the job "Porter" makes it feel more unique in the sea of generic warriors, mages, archers, etc. Also, the translated title of the novel already uses it, so bonus familiarity and makes searching for the novel a bit easier for manga readers.
A small amount of non-English people will know what porter means. I understand some people such as @baconcat think that everyone is instilled with the curse gift of English with their first fart, but just to showcase language barriers: the Dutch 'portier' only refers to someone in charge of entrance doors, not someone who carries your luggage, while the latter is the main definition for the English 'porter'. Its Dutch Wikipedia page even compares the word to the English 'gatekeeper', because that's what the job entails. Someone who carries your shit for you is literally called the Dutch word for carrier in Dutch, because that's what nouns are for. Now imagine how languages that didn't borrow this word from Latin via Old French might differ.

That said, I don't think a job title is particularly impactful in any manga (if it's not a plain mistranslation), because you only need one text bubble to explain what the job entails. However, the original "It … invokes the idea of teleportation" argument is a poor one, because carrier invokes the idea of 'someone who carries items' to many more people and most importantly: it leaves 0 ambiguity. That makes it an objectively better translation.

While MangaDex currently does not seem to have it listed at all, Manga Updates does show it as an alternate title, for the porter fanatics among us:
Associated Names
Reincarnated Carrier's Strategy for Different World
Tensei ni Hakobi Jin no Isekai Kouryakuhou
The Way to Conquer a Different World as a Reincarnated Porter (← it's this one!)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023
Bacon ipsum dolor amet jerky turkey t-bone hamburger. Swine cow tri-tip, spare ribs pork belly shank bacon ground round andouille. Swine venison sirloin, drumstick chicken bresaola pork loin fatback. Salami meatloaf fatback, rump chislic pork shoulder ball tip prosciutto short loin pork loin tenderloin shankle andouille sirloin.

Chuck shank t-bone fatback tri-tip sirloin swine kielbasa. Pork chop corned beef porchetta strip steak brisket, pork salami shankle bresaola venison andouille. Burgdoggen alcatra strip steak turducken frankfurter salami sausage pork belly ground round spare ribs beef andouille corned beef. Filet mignon pork belly alcatra t-bone biltong.

Chicken alcatra ball tip tail salami, bresaola jerky spare ribs sausage pork loin. Boudin ham flank, burgdoggen pork swine chuck short ribs bacon chislic. Ham burgdoggen kevin, cow chislic kielbasa meatloaf beef short ribs strip steak pork belly pig. Fatback cupim shankle venison. Biltong short ribs shoulder leberkas fatback, shank ball tip kielbasa drumstick pork belly sausage. Pork meatball chicken alcatra kevin shoulder andouille pork loin brisket rump beef sausage swine shank picanha. Biltong pig ball tip, buffalo sausage leberkas frankfurter filet mignon tongue rump tri-tip doner.
Cool story bro. Goes to show that owning a dictionary doesn't make you a good translator.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2019
A small amount of non-English people will know what porter means. I understand some people such as @baconcat think that everyone is instilled with the curse gift of English with their first fart, but just to showcase language barriers: the Dutch 'portier' only refers to someone in charge of entrance doors, not someone who carries your luggage, while the latter is the main definition for the English 'porter'. Its Dutch Wikipedia page even compares the word to the English 'gatekeeper', because that's what the job entails. Someone who carries your shit for you is literally called the Dutch word for carrier in Dutch, because that's what nouns are for. Now imagine how languages that didn't borrow this word from Latin via Old French might differ.

That said, I don't think a job title is particularly impactful in any manga (if it's not a plain mistranslation), because you only need one text bubble to explain what the job entails. However, the original "It … invokes the idea of teleportation" argument is a poor one, because carrier invokes the idea of 'someone who carries items' to many more people and most importantly: it leaves 0 ambiguity. That makes it an objectively better translation.

While MangaDex currently does not seem to have it listed at all, Manga Updates does show it as an alternate title, for the porter fanatics among us:
People that don't know english not understanding an english translation... The fuck. If that's the case, learn english or read the translation that suits you best.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet jerky turkey t-bone hamburger. Swine cow tri-tip, spare ribs pork belly shank bacon ground round andouille. Swine venison sirloin, drumstick chicken bresaola pork loin fatback. Salami meatloaf fatback, rump chislic pork shoulder ball tip prosciutto short loin pork loin tenderloin shankle andouille sirloin.

Chuck shank t-bone fatback tri-tip sirloin swine kielbasa. Pork chop corned beef porchetta strip steak brisket, pork salami shankle bresaola venison andouille. Burgdoggen alcatra strip steak turducken frankfurter salami sausage pork belly ground round spare ribs beef andouille corned beef. Filet mignon pork belly alcatra t-bone biltong.

Chicken alcatra ball tip tail salami, bresaola jerky spare ribs sausage pork loin. Boudin ham flank, burgdoggen pork swine chuck short ribs bacon chislic. Ham burgdoggen kevin, cow chislic kielbasa meatloaf beef short ribs strip steak pork belly pig. Fatback cupim shankle venison. Biltong short ribs shoulder leberkas fatback, shank ball tip kielbasa drumstick pork belly sausage. Pork meatball chicken alcatra kevin shoulder andouille pork loin brisket rump beef sausage swine shank picanha. Biltong pig ball tip, buffalo sausage leberkas frankfurter filet mignon tongue rump tri-tip doner.
Also, LOL. Where did that even come from. :kek: I genuinely laughed out loud at that.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
I'm suspicious about that monk girl. I don't think she is naive as she try to appear.
Nov 8, 2019
I misunderstand some people such as @baconcat think that everyone is instilled with the curse gift of English with their first fart
FTFY. Never said anything of the sort. What I did say was that everyone has access to readily available resources of learning. You know, should the need to instill something arise.

Goes to show that owning a dictionary doesn't make you a good translator.
Never said anything of that sort, either.

the Dutch 'portier'
Yeah, but you're not reading a translation into Dutch.

language barriers
Surprise, cognates and loanwords and false friends and whatnot are a thing. Wake the fuck up and smell the maple-nut crunch. See response to earlier quote.

So, without a second thought, you found time and attention prudent and worth diverting towards boldly venturing to consult a learning resource available literally at your fingertips to requisition your pitchforks and torches for your armchair linguistics crusade in the name of idiocy in a discussion thread, yet you deem expecting the discerning reader to spend even a fraction of that on a single passing word an utterly disproportionate and unreasonable demand? Don't you find this the least bit ironic?

A small amount of non-English people will know
Your point? At some point, only a small amount of people knew how to fly to space, let alone how to build the machines that can fly to space. At some point, only a small amount of people knew how to make semiconductors. How to use, generate, and distribute electricity. How to ride a bicycle. How to build one. How to speak a language they didn't grow up with, English or otherwise. (Or in fact the one they were to grow up with. You know, what with just having been born and shit.) How to communicate in writing and speaking. How to cultivate crops and domesticate animals. How to make fire. How to make tools and weapons and hunt and gather with them and protect your hard-earned gains and your females from the next motherfucker trying to nick your shit and stab you in the spleen. (Or be that motherfucker yourself; not judging, socioevolutionarily speaking.) And they all got off their asses and discovered, invented, and researched, and learned, and even taught. You know, as opposed to whining and bitching about how something dared inconveniencing their ways of the status quo. Thankfully, on account of human ingenuity being prevalent enough, there were only very insignificantly few like you in the history of humanity to be of any impactful detriment, or we'd have gone extinct as a failed branch, a backfired joke, of evolution about fifteen million years ago, and would have deserved it.
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Aggregator gang
Jul 6, 2020
"Yeah, man, can't have people edumacatin' 'emselves and learn something for a change, can we?"

Seriously, objectively, name one valid reason for "saving" people from looking up a single fucking word in a dictionary and broadening their knowledge a little today!

It's the whole point of a dictionary to begin with, to be there for you when you want to look up a word you don't know! That's how dictionaries work. That's how learning works.

Don't worry. People genuinely interested will look up the word either way. And people voluntarily being willful dumbasses will not. Does now the rest of the world have to make concessions for voluntarily stupid people?

What is it with insufferable, petulant perpetuators of sloth and neglect like you who wear their ignorance on their sleeves?? Did I miss a memo that not knowing shit was now somehow an inalienable right? "Hurr, you understood what I wrote anyway, no point in spelling correctly, no point in using the right words, durr." Sure I did. I also understood that you placed so little bother in your communicatory vomit that it's a mystery of self-contradiction why you bothered at all. Might as well have kept your face shut, would have spared the rest of the world some trouble.

Fuck you. Imagine white-knighting for the stupid-by-choice.
The people dissing you are functionally retarded. Zoomers are barely literate, and hilariously enough, they are evidently content with that. Sad state of affairs. I blame common-core education, fatherlessness, and most importantly, instant gratification and dopamine abuse, courtesy of modern internet and social media.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023
FTFY. Never said anything of the sort. What I did say was that everyone has access to readily available resources of learning. You know, should the need to instill something arise.

Never said anything of that sort, either.

Yeah, but you're not reading a translation into Dutch.

Surprise, cognates and loanwords and false friends and whatnot are a thing. Wake the fuck up and smell the maple-nut crunch. See response to earlier quote.

So, without a second thought, you found time and attention prudent and worth diverting towards boldly venturing to consult a learning resource available literally at your fingertips to requisition your pitchforks and torches for your armchair linguistics crusade in the name of idiocy in a discussion thread, yet you deem expecting the discerning reader to spend even a fraction of that on a single passing word an utterly disproportionate and unreasonable demand? Don't you find this the least bit ironic?

Your point? At some point, only a small amount of people knew how to fly to space, let alone how to build the machines that can fly to space. At some point, only a small amount of people knew how to make semiconductors. How to use, generate, and distribute electricity. How to ride a bicycle. How to build one. How to speak a language they didn't grow up with, English or otherwise. (Or in fact the one they were to grow up with. You know, what with just having been born and shit.) How to communicate in writing and speaking. How to cultivate crops and domesticate animals. How to make fire. How to make tools and weapons and hunt and gather with them and protect your hard-earned gains and your females from the next motherfucker trying to nick your shit and stab you in the spleen. (Or be that motherfucker yourself; not judging, socioevolutionarily speaking.) And they all got off their asses and discovered, invented, and researched, and learned, and even taught. You know, as opposed to whining and bitching about how something dared inconveniencing their ways of the status quo. Thankfully, on account of human ingenuity being prevalent enough, there were only very insignificantly few like you in the history of humanity to be of any impactful detriment, or we'd have gone extinct as a failed branch, a backfired joke, of evolution about fifteen million years ago, and would have deserved it.
I can waste equally as many words dissecting your comment now that the degree of ranting and name-calling has decreased ever so slightly, but I still feel like it's a fat waste of time (hence I replaced your previous ad hominem rant with something more amusing), because you still haven't got the faintest of clues that this is a manga with limited space for text and not a novel where you can type to great delight in the way you want. Accurate translation is always important, but when conveying the implied definition can be done with the use of a synonym, depending on the work's context (such as tone and the translator's preferences), that is most often the correct word to choose. Beyond such characteristics is the fact that a carrier… is… functionally the correct word. And since carry is very well-known, preferring a word like this means including a wider audience. If you hate accessibility, for example you prefer children and non-native English readers to die instead of reading a manga without the need of a dictionary, then good for you and enjoy your life.
carrier | ˈkarɪə |

1 a person or thing that carries, holds, or conveys something: water carriers.
2 a person or company that undertakes the professional conveyance of goods or people: the instruments can be sent by carrier.
As I've stated before, I don't have strong feelings one way or the other, I prefer carrier as it is a correct translation and certainly the best choice for any popular trash isekai read by a vast variety of people, but it wouldn't make much of a difference if it's introduced and explained. Hell, they can think of a new word as long as it's properly explained: we carry items and all the party's other shit, we're mildly intelligent pack-mules. Beyond that I don't know about the raws and can't judge whether either word would better convey the author's choice of words and aforementioned context.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023
Whatever, man.
If you're gonna stick, try to enjoy the manga and not let minor details sour the story for you. But I agree this mostly pointless discussion is over.
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Nov 8, 2019
not let minor details sour the story for you. But I agree this mostly pointless discussion is over.
For something you say you find so minor and pointless, you spent an awful lot of energy on defending some asspull side of it. Anyway, didn't ask, don't flatter yourself. IDGAF whether you agree. You're still a sad little defender of idiocy with a skewed sense of inclusivity. I'm just sick of correcting what you keep getting wrong about my side of the argument. You keep attacking what I never claimed, defending what wasn't even contested, agitating for handouts nobody asked for.
Go play with your dictionary that somehow you trust nobody else but yourself to use.
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Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2018
I highly believe that the nun had been already raped multiple times already. Or she may have some hidden abilities to protect her or smth. She just got introduced and already ganged up on. No way she wouldn't have been before this.

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